8 months ago

Handout for this video:
The Faithful Investor Store of Value Portfolio at 03/2024

In this video, I clarify some points about my "store of value" portfolio and share more about my experiences in bringing the Kingdom to cities and interacting with people. I also provide insights into my forthcoming book, "Doing Business in the Kingdom." Additionally, I explain the concept of a "store of value" portfolio and its potential for growth. I touch on topics such as gold, silver, Bitcoin, and the US dollar, highlighting their significance in the current economic landscape.

I exercise a practical & professional view so if you are looking for someone who is 100% rabid about Bitcoin or gold or 100% against the US dollar, I invite you to explore other Rumble channels. Watch this video to gain valuable insights into how I am investing in the Kingdom and building a "store of value" portfolio that for me, puts God first.


In my opinion, Swan Bitcoin is a sensible place to buy Bitcoin. You can make a one-time purchase or set it up for regular recurring and automatic (e.g., weekly) purchases. Recurring purchases are a good way to accumulate assets over time without emotion.

You will receive free $10 worth of Bitcoin when you use my referral link below. I receive a commission paid in Bitcoin (of less than .0025 of your year 1 purchases) when you sign up under my referral link.


I like Swan Bitcoin because they have good educational tools to help you self-custody your Bitcoin after you buy it.

The disadvantage to Swan Bitcoin is that they are aspiring to go public with all of the conflicts of interest that often arise from public company ownership. I monitor the company and will let you know if I withdraw my support.

If you are making a larger purchase, for example $1,000,000 worth of Bitcoin or more, please contact me to explore cost-effective ways to do that.


00:00 Hey there, so today. We're finishing up our conversation about the store of value portfolio and the previous two videos talked about Bitcoin and gold which are assets in the store of value portfolio and today I'm going to talk about the portfolio as a whole and just kind of tie up a few loose ends and
00:25 Clarify some things that I said earlier about the store of value portfolio and just tell you a little bit more about how I think about investing.
00:36 So let's begin with the Lord's Prayer that's the best place in the world to begin. And I just wanted to say too that you know I spend a lot of time in the cities bringing the kingdom and having transactions with people whether they're interactions involving time, attention, prayer, miracle making, literally
01:03 miracle making and yes sometimes those exchanges involve the transfer of money but I'm learning a lot about transacting in the kingdom and being in the cities at this time when a lot of the old world is collapsing and I just want to say that the Lord's Prayer is just such a beautiful thing that I have
01:32 in my life and I say it dozens of times a day and at night when I need a little extra strength when I need to make sure that I'm on track with Gods will when I need a little more protection and it just is such a treasure And I just thank our Lord Jesus Christ for telling us how to pray to our Father.
01:58 And so here we go. We always put God first in our investment activity, and this is a good way to just remind us to stay on track.
02:12 Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom
02:37 and the power and the glory for ever and ever amen I just love that prayer and so we begin our conversation with that and so today I am talking a little more about the store of value portfolio.
02:58 Now, you will see that the, little ah handout here I am going to just zoom in on a little area here and it will just fill your screen if you can't see it real well you can just click the little buttons on your screen to enlarge this on your own screen but this is the faithful investor store value portfolio
03:20 for March 2024. So a couple of things here first of all and I talk about this in my book that's forthcoming I don't know if I gave you the name of the book but the name of my book is doing business in the kingdom a A finance professional renews her mind about saving investing and trading and obviously
03:52 that quote about renewing the mind comes from Romans 12 verses 1-2 that talks about do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and so we we have to let go of the old ways of how money has been used to inflict pain, to dominate, to control, to exploit.
04:23 There's so many things that are attached to money and and there's so many reasons why many of us don't want to talk about money and many of us outsource our money choices to so called professionals thats the old way of doing it I dont see how you can outsource your attention and time and physical being
04:47 to to give those decisions to another human being even if its just about money because nothings just about money in the kingdom its all tied together because when you can literally perform miracles with another believer through prayer, exchanges can happen where you don't even need as much money as you
05:10 would think that you need or that we need in the world where miraculous activity doesn't happen. So you can see I'm coming at finance and investing from a very different perspective because the supernatural is is not only an asset and a resource but a mechanism by which finance and transactions take
05:35 place and again Im not telling you what to do but in my book I just say this is what I do this is what happens every day to me I have one or two transactions that are literally miraculous, and, you know, I haven't been talking about a lot of those on the videos.
05:55 Sure, some of them involve healing and prayer, and some of them, you know, involve exchanges of things, but it's all kind of doing business, because you show up, and you say, what does God want?
06:12 For this interaction between me and this other person and this other person might be a believer and the other person might be a non-believer and my book anticipates that and just doesn't tell you what to do but tells you what I do so this is what I do with my Store of value portfolio and one of the things
06:34 that I do is I put down on paper first what I expect to be happening. So it's not March of 2024 yet.
06:46 And I don't have this entire portfolio implemented yet. In fact, I don't have the gold and silver purchased and secured yet for this portfolio.
06:56 I do have the bitcoin, the dollars, and the ordinals. And so this, portfolio is growing so that in March 2024 it will look like this and I dont need to know exactly where all the resources are going to come from but I know that I dont put things on paper willy nilly I put a lot of time a lot of attention
07:21 a lot of prayer a lot of aligning with Gods will into things and so thats how I know this portfolio is right for me.
07:30 I don't know what's right for you. I can only show people what I do and say maybe there's something here of value for you to just look at in your conversations with God about what's right for you and your family in 2024 and beyond.
07:49 So we we talked about gold in the last video and oh I guess I just want to talk about the pie chart as a whole first of all because some of you may not be familiar with a 100% pie chart like this so you'll see that this is percentages of assets that all if you add up all the percentages it adds up to
08:16 a hundred percent. I don't know how many of you are familiar with portfolio construction. This may be the first time you've ever seen a pie chart like this, but one of the advantages of talking about percentages is, I don't know if your store of value portfolio is a hundred dollars or ten thousand dollars
08:37 or ten million dollars. Or a hundred million dollars or more but I dont need to talk to you in terms of the dollar value or the value at all but we can just talk about the percentages of allocation time attention and money allocated to those various resources so for example if this was a ten $10,000
09:02 portfolio $4,000 of it would be in Bitcoin $2,500 of it would be in gold $1,500 would be in Bitcoin ordinals a $1,000 would be in silver and $1,000 would be in US dollars.
09:21 Okay, so that all adds up to $10,000 so those percentages the relative positions of those as they relate to each other is what's important and then if you have a 10 million dollar portfolio you could just scale this up to that okay so just to understand so we're not talking about absolute dollar values
09:46 now a couple of things I kind of want to clean up from previous conversations that we had. I talked about the gold ETF and the Bitcoin ETF in the last video and I didn't want you to think that I in any way want you or advocate for myself.
10:10 To invest in an ETF when it comes to store of value because store of value is not something I have coined although Im the only person I know thats talking about creating a store of value portfolio I havent seen this online or anywhere else and remember my my my definition of a store of value portfolio
10:37 is essentially a savings account that has a reasonable expectation of holding its value over the short term, which is one to three years, but also has a good potential to grow in value over the longer term.
10:53 Okay, so I talked about, let's go back, I talked about ETFs. ETFs are essentially derivative holdings of an asset so you are not holding when you own a gold ETF you're you're holding you know writing on a paper on a piece of paper okay you're not holding a gold coin or a gold bar you're not being your
11:21 own bank and for me that's what store of value is about you have to be your own bank because this is the ultimate security portfolio.
11:32 Also, Bitcoin. So we talked about the Bitcoin ETF. Indeed, since my last video, the Bitcoin ETFs, 11 of them by 11 different investment management companies, were approved on January 10th, 2020.
11:50 By the Securities and Exchange Commission saying that these big asset management companies can now hold Bitcoin ETFs at a spot value price in the market and why that is very ground breaking is that many often baby boomers for example who are the only people with retirement savings uhm until they spend
12:16 it all down you know they're the only people that are kind in the old traditional legacy markets anymore, will have access to buy Bitcoin through these ETFs.
12:30 And they may want that. And their advisor will quite naturally be selling it to them because they can charge a management fee for managing.
12:39 The Bitcoin and its very like ridiculous in my view but its going to increase the demand for Bitcoin so those of us who are I'm sorry but those of us who are smart because only smart people listen to this podcast are not going to buy Bitcoin in the ETF.
13:02 For me its like the difference between owning a Renoir painting which if you've ever been like to the Phillips Collection in Washington, D.C.
13:11 And seen the Luncheon of the Boating Party, that beautiful Renoir painting. You can either own that or you can own a print of the painting that kind of like that you can buy in the museum shop that comes in a poster that you would like hang up in your garage, you know?
13:28 The ETF is like the print you want to own the original and it doesnt cost the thing is with the ETFs it doesnt cost any different so you can like buy the real thing or you can buy the shabby imitation of either gold or Bitcoin or whatever when you buy it in an ETF youre holding a derivative security
13:49 so youre holding one step removed from reality just It's like that Renoir print. It's not the real Renoir, it's the print of the Renoir.
14:00 And because I am a faithful investor and I have a keen eye toward value and imitations and staying away from counterfeits, I don't buy things that are just stupid things that products that Wall Street has created to bundle and sell for a fee to people who dont know any better ok and those are the people
14:26 that are buying the Bitcoin ETFs those are the people that are buying the gold ETFs they just want the value they want an imputed value of the asset they really dont care about censorship free currency they dont care about separating state from money, they don't care about store of value issues, they
14:50 don't care about the fact that the money can be confiscated and that they're actually not holding it. This is the dumb money.
14:59 The dumb money is in the ETFs. The smart money is being your own bank, especially when it comes to a store of value.
15:07 Portfolio now I do hold one I hold one ETF that I can talk about in another day right now it's a derivative instrument that's based on the UVIX which has to do with volatility in the marketplace and it's a derivative instrument so I have to own it as a derivative instrument because there is no actual
15:32 underlying asset okay so like but if you are buying something because you want the value of the underlying asset it is ridiculous to buy it in an ETF okay I've said that now like five to seven times so anyway I just wanted to make sure that for the store of value portfolio We're not buying any of this
15:52 in ETFs. Now let's talk about silver. I don't have charts about silver because there is about 10,000 websites or more online that can talk to you about the case for buying silver I'll just make a couple of comments about silver first of all if you are just getting started with a store of value portfolio
16:14 and you just want to start making little baby steps You can buy a silver coin for less than $25, so an ounce of silver trades, you know, at $23 or $24 today, whereas a gold coin, an ounce of gold, costs about $2,000, okay?
16:35 So if you're just going to start accumulating a shoebox full of coins in your closet and you don't have a lot of money, silver is a really good place to start.
16:45 Now silver, also has some really interesting properties that it could be commercially valuable in the future for all kinds of ah you know semiconductors, EVs all kinds of different things may have ah silver has commercial applications and so silver has value uhm kind of in and of itself plus its just
17:12 a handy form of currency and the fact that a coin is worth under $20 Twenty-five dollars right now, we expect that value to go up over time, of course, but it's just a very useful, fungible currency, and I would recommend that you buy it in the form of silver coins and just hang on to them.
17:34 And because they're pretty, they're handy. Theyre valuable and theyre not going down in value ok so thats a pretty good asset to have in your store of value portfolio now the last item in my store of value portfolio which is im sure highly controversial to some is the fact that I have US dollars in there
17:55 and that certainly doesnt meet the criteria that I said that uhm things in my store of value portfolio have a good potential to grow in value over the longer term and And obviously the U.S.
18:08 Dollar has been eroding in value as the printing presses have been turned on over and over and over again and the value of a dollar is not the value of a dollar that it used to be and is going to be probably less in the future.
18:22 It's widely believed there will be a market sell-off this year. A high magnitude market selloff and that the printing presses will come on again and probably you know universal basic income will be pushed out to people and all kinds of stimulus will be given to the bankers again and that thats all going
18:44 to start all over again this year and so its believed that the US dollar is going to go down in value again but so why is that in my store of value portfolio well for a few reasons First of all, you need to have a little bit of dry powder in your store of value portfolio.
19:00 I am like an incredibly practical person. So I know that gold bugs hate US dollars. Bitcoiners hate US dollars. Well, I don't hate US dollars.
19:12 They're just not as good as some of the alternatives. Right now but the US dollar is a lot better than a lot of the alternatives right now and remember Ive been an investment professional and Ive traveled in 35 countries around the world and so you know its very easy as an American to you know talk bad
19:35 about the US dollar but the fact is that around the world people still love the US dollar and will continue to love the US dollar Now, I love the U.S.
19:46 Dollar because I'm patriotic and I pray for the United States of America every day. You know, so that's one of the reasons that this is in my portfolio is the U.S.
19:58 Dollar is there. There's also something going on in the world. Stage were gonna just zoom in on this US dollar here because my screen was like blanking out because I hadn't touched it Theres another currency thats on the horizon that is really you know theres a lot going on in the world today I mean
20:18 if you watch MSNBC or CNN or FOX youll never know whats going on but there is a currency called the BRICS currency it was started quite a few years ago by the founding countries, which are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, which is why it's called BRICS.
20:36 That's an acronym. But on January 1st, 2024, which was the first day of this year, this new year, we had some new countries join into the BRICS and thats Egypt Ethiopia Iran Saudi Arabia and the UAE and there are a number of countries in the world mostly China that wants to knock the US dollar off of
21:03 its worldwide you know glorified status now I dont want to glorify the dollar I only want to glorify God. But relative to the BRICS countries, which is, you know, a lot of communist, non-God-fearing countries, you know, I like the U.S.
21:26 Dollar compared to BRICS. I also like the U.S. Dollar compared to the euro. I also like the U.S. Dollar compared to the yen right now.
21:36 You need to have some fungible currency in your store of value portfolio if nothing else so that when bitcoin or gold or silver dips you can trade out of another asset in your portfolio namely the US dollar into that asset so you've got to have a little bit of liquidity in this portfolio and I believe
21:58 you need to have a currency and I believe the currency a value versus again the Euro or the Yen or the Bricks, I would choose the U.S.
22:10 Dollar. So it's getting a really bad rap right now because it's, you know, it's fashionable to say really horrible things about the United States and the U.S.
22:20 Dollar right now and while it's going through its pangs and its pains of finding its way back to God and whats important to this country you know we have to keep things into perspective and if youve spent any time at all transacting business around the world you know how important the US dollar is and
22:45 the treasuries are in are are are owned by many governments around the world I mean the treasury market itself is denominated in dollars So, you know, we're not getting rid of the dollar anytime soon.
23:01 So, you know, that's why I have this in my store. Value ah portfolio. One thing I would love to add too in kind of news you might have missed is theres a new president in Argentina ah his name is Javier Millet ah hes a very pro bitcoin kind of guy ah he also withdrew on January 1st 2024 from the BRICS
23:29 so his predecessor ah had signed Argentina into the BRICS. And on the day when all those other countries, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and UAE joined the BRICS, Argentina sent the letter.
23:45 The new president, Malay, said, we are not going to join the BRICS, even though we said we would. Chinese chairman ah Xi Jinping ah basically wrote a personal letter to Argentina saying in the way Chinese ah diplomats do you know we would really like you not to withdraw from the BRICS but despite this
24:11 kind of personal plea from China the Argentinian president said no First and foremost, we are an ally of the United States and the West.
24:23 We will not push or promote relationships with dictatorships, communists, or those who have no regard for peace or don't hold democratic values.
24:33 And so there's a, you know, if you like to watch sports, you know, there's a whole amazing world going on in the world of currencies right now.
24:45 Sovereign currencies are those issued by governments and these curr- except for the U.S. Dollar here in my portfolio these are all not sovereign related issued currencies ok I mean, well, they're not going to be held by the sovereign.
25:05 They're going to be held by you. You become your own bank, except for the US dollar, where you're not your own bank when you hold a dollar.
25:15 There's an intermediary, it's the US government. But if you're interested in what's going on in currency, I would really invite you to watch what's going on with the BRICS.
25:27 It's pretty interesting as you see these kind of showdowns happening all over the world. I think that the current currency showdown is definitely something that we want to watch as investors Now that ah the only other thing I havent mentioned here is the bitcoin ordinals I talked about that in my bitcoin
25:49 video which Ill link to in the description Those are really hard to value but I do put those collectibles in my store of value portfolio because I plan to hold them for a while and they are Bitcoin at at at their essence and so I put them in the store of value portfolio.
26:11 My next video which I'm very excited about I'm going to talk to you about my investment portfolio. So this has been the store of value portfolio this just kind of sits there and grows over time and is the safe keeping money Im going to be talking to you about my investment portfolio which is highly unconventional
26:34 compared to what other people are doing right now so most people own these mutual funds ah you know that financial planners construct for them.
26:46 You know, they're owning, you know, banks and Raytheon and war-making companies and oil companies and all these companies that they don't agree with in a so-called diversified portfolio that goes up and down.
27:03 And, you know, in my view, that old-fashioned way of investing is going away, it's not, economically productive to invest that way because you are not putting the money at work in companies so a lot of people dont understand this but when you invest in walmart for example walmart stock that money does
27:26 not go to walmart it just sits there unproductively like in a gambling casino so its speculation the secondary markets nasdaq dow s&p 500 that is all speculation speculation, there is no real commercial activity going on underneath those investments.
27:50 And as I said, the baby boomers are kind of the last generation that's kind of in that scam. And so that's all going away.
28:00 When you're in the kingdom. That doesnt even have any relevance or significance for you anymore you have probably emptied out all of those portfolios because if the holy spirit is moving through you you probably dont own any of that stuff anymore so if you dont own any of that stuff anymore what are
28:20 you owning well thats between you and god but im going to share with you in the next video how I look at investing.
28:30 It's not, again, it's not the old-fashioned kind of investing. It's a new way of looking at things and I look forward to sharing that with you in the next video.
28:43 All glory to God! Jesus Christ is King! Bye now!

Here is a link to the other Bitcoin video that I mention here:

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