Let's Interrupt Biden's 3rd Year In Office Celebration With Reality Checks

8 months ago

Has it only been three years since Biden took office? It seems like at least ten. The White House social media accounts are trying to get everybody to celebrate with them: President Biden @POTUS: “It's been three years since I headed to the Oval Office for the first time as your president.” https://twitter.com/POTUS/status/1748744697881694429 -- He's "your president," not counting the millions he despises. -- Joe Biden @JoeBiden: “Today marks three years since Kamala Harris and I were sworn in, and we have spent every single day since fighting for hardworking Americans. From capping prescription drug costs and historic infrastructure investments to making health care more affordable and canceling over $130 billion in student debt, we're making enormous progress—and we’re ready to finish the job.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GESrJSvXAAAsbQS?format=jpg&name=medium -- They're actually bragging about the dumpster fire they've created?

Starting with "Bidenomics," everybody can see with their own eyes how much more everything costs, and Biden has unwittingly helped point that out: Senator Berger Press Shop @SenBergerPress: “Thanks to #Bidenomics, a Cook Out tray costs 28% more than it did three years ago when Biden had his previous photo op. #ncpol” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEKBlC1XAAA3Twm?format=png&name=small - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEKBmBhWUAA25rt?format=png&name=900x900 - https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GEJ3GGOW4AAR03Y?format=jpg&name=large -- That's a heck of an increase in prices over the course of three years of "Bidenomics" (libs try to blame "greed" out of sheer idiotic desperation to ignore reality): Rich Weinstein @phillyrich1: “Bidenomics. Same campaign stop 3 years later. That’s a 28% increase.” https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GESXidBXkAA-4pJ?format=jpg&name=large -- "Bidenomics," baby! When it comes to energy, pipelines are horrible for the U.S. but great for the Middle East:

Townhall.com @townhallcom: “Biden: "We were able to hack down a proposal I had to bring—to build a railroad from all the way from Riyadh, all the way through the Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Israel, up through Greece, and then across, not the railroad, but pipeline across the mediterranean up into Europe!"” -- At the southern border, Biden has set a record, and not in a good way (it's "good" to Biden and many Dems but not good for America): “There were 302,000 encounters along the southwest border in December, marking the highest monthly total ever recorded, sources told ABC News. Sources stressed the numbers are preliminary and could change. The preliminary monthly numbers are the highest on record, according to CBP data. The numbers -- a hot-button election year topic -- come as the Justice Department threatened to sue the state of Texas over its passage of SB. 4, which allows for state and local law enforcement to apprehend anyone who they believe is in the country illegally.”

That's right, Biden's threatening to sue Texas for doing the job HE should be doing. As for public education and the teachers union Biden supports, more "success" these last three years: “The average test scores for U.S. 13-year-olds have dipped in reading and dropped sharply in math since 2020, according to new data from National Assessment of Educational Progress. The average scores, from tests given last fall, declined 4 points in reading and 9 points in math, compared with tests given in the 2019-2020 school year, and are the lowest in decades. The declines in reading were more pronounced for lower performing students, but dropped across all percentiles. The math scores were even more disappointing. On a scale of 500 points, the declines ranged from 6 to 8 points for middle and high performing students, to 12 to 14 points for low performing students.”

Cue Kamala: "We did it, Joe!" Just three years into the Biden presidency and everything's upside down, including his approval on all issues. We'll be lucky to get through one more year of this, let alone five more. November can't get here fast enough.

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