Anthony Batch – The Real Purpose of Changing Everybody's DNA with the Jabs

1 year ago

***This is GOOD*** ***This was an interview from 2014 -- Anthony knew what they were up to.

Why would you want people to demand the Vaccine? Because there is something in the vaccine that they want in your body.

What is in the vaccine that they want inside the body? It is a DNA manipulator, a modifier.

A 3rd strand of DNA made of Silicon and coded in Gold. One Billionth of a millimeter. It increases the surface area so that more information can be programmed.

So, here is what is happening: You are creating a 3rd strand of DNA and introducing this through a Vaccine. The people will demand it themselves and Voluntarily take it because they are afraid of getting sick from all the media propaganda and the true lab made viruses released.

The Governments sit back and laugh as they say "We couldn't force people to take this vaccine. But if we create the Problem and convince them that this vaccine is the solution, people will demand the solution and thus we achieve our ultimate goal of modifying the DNA."

What is the Purpose of changing Everybody's DNA? To change humans into HYBRIDS.

Once a person is injected, almost immediately their DNA transforms. They don't even realize that they have just lost all their independence and their ability to think on their own.

Their former belief system disappears. It just goes away.

What do the Powers that be do with these new Human Hybrids? They can completely CONTROL them and turn them into a Serf Class where they are subject to the will of their patent owners. You now are a certified slave.

Their technology is so advanced that they no longer worry about what we think. They got us under wrap. We won't rebel because we have been so dumbed down we are merely like cattle to them. Just a bunch of stupid animals.

They are achieving a HIVE Mentality. Just like a Beehive. We are the worker bees serving the elite class - the Queen Bee.

This elite class has been in control since Ancient Times.

Now connect the dots on the WBAN -- Wide Body Area Network. They can remote control you. They can put data in (program) and they can take data out.

Watch this one if you believe that isn't possible.

***Biosnesors and MAC Addresses – How do they get the biosensors in me? – What about the MAC ID’s?


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