#027 | Alexa Cucchiara | ENG – surviving cancer at age 19, publishing a book at 22 & much more

1 year ago

How do you turn cancer at age 19 into something empowering?

Alexa Cucchiara is a designer, artist, author, podcaster, and cancer survivor. We talk about her determined and entrepreneurial youth, overcoming nay-sayers, the mental, physical and social toll of her illness, what chemotherapy feels like, how she published a best-selling book at age 22, why she started a podcast, and much more. This episode was recorded on phones while traveling, sorry for the poor audio quality.

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0ASVJ1hE6yHLmoSS0cAkKB
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/yoshis-podcast/id1662594494?i=1000621760620
YouTube: https://youtu.be/SRMPeX7UVlc

Visit https://msha.ke/alexacuc for more on Alexa’s art, her book ‘Power to Persevere’, and her podcast ‘The Power Pod’.

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