The Khazarian Zionist Communists' Attack on America

10 months ago

There is a reason the ADL wants you arrested if you talk about replacement migration.… it’s an official UN takeover plan.

The UN, WEF, WHO, BlackRock, Vanguard, State's all Khazarian Ashkenazi Jewish and Nazi bloodlines. They were also the Bolsheviks, ISIS, Hamas, Al Qaeda...same people, same evil, different identity.

The objective of the New World Order was to take down the "five eyes" ...namely...USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand....the priority was the USA, this is why the deep-state were carrying out false flag after false flag, school shooting where ALL perpetrators come from the LGBTQ liberals, loner kids living with grandma, surprisingly owning new pickup trucks and a couple of brand new AR-15's, and most have therapists....think MK Ultra. Some false flags such as Ulvade, Texas, you can see the perpetrator sat in his car with children walking out of the school smiling and waving at cameras. DO NOT BELIEVE THE MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA....they want to strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment....the indigenous Indian tribes who put down their guns were wiped out shortly after.

If America falls, the rest will fall. Covid was a genetic bioweapon sold as a "vaccine", the media create the panic by 24/7/365 fear propaganda, shadow-banning the truth telling Doctors, and the kill shot is then begged for....this is what happened, your fear, your ignorance, got you to take your children to get a genetic bioweapon where 70% of spike proteins are found in the ovaries of young girls...depopulation and sterilisation. Feel free to search for my 1994 leaked video from Cairo where they discussed the depopulation program.


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