Argument Techniques & Mental Jujitsu. Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes

1 year ago

Argument Techniques & Mental Jujitsu.
Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes
2,125,654 views December 24, 2023
The Paint Explainer
-- DISCLAIMER -- Do not use this video as your only source of information. This video is for entertainment/edutainment purposes, and some information could be too oversimplified or incorrect. This channel's goal is to spark your curiosity and let you do your own research on these topics.
68 Debate Tricks Commonly Used as Psychological Weapons
0:00 Ad Hominem
0:09 Hasty Generalization
0:18 Red Herring
0:26 Tu QuoQue
0:41 Slippery Slope
0:53 Special Pleading
1:07 Loaded Question
1:12 False Dilemma
1:26 Strawman
1:31 Circular Reasoning
1:43 Appeal to Authority
1:52 Appeal to Nature
2:07 Composition Fallacy
2:14 Division Fallacy
2:22 Affirming the Consequent
2:39 Anecdotal Fallacy
2:47 Appeal to Emotion
2:56 Burden of Proof Fallacy
3:08 No True Scotsman
3:15 Texas Sharpshooter
3:33 Suppressed Correlative
3:51 Personal Incredulity
3:58 Ambiguity Fallacy
4:06 Genetic Fallacy
4:14 Middle-Ground Fallacy
4:19 Affirming the Disjunct
4:30 Appeal to Tradition
4:36 Sunk Cost Fallacy
4:46 Appeal to Ignorance
4:55 Continuum Fallacy
5:06 Equivocation
5:14 Faulty Analogy
5:21 Denying the Antecedent
5:33 False Cause
5:42 Definist Fallacy
5:49 Ecological Fallacy
5:56 Etymological Fallacy
6:04 Quoting out of Context
6:15 False Equivalence
6:22 Historian's Fallacy
6:32 Inflation of Conflict
6:40 Incomplete Comparison
6:47 Ludic Fallacy
7:05 Moralistic Fallacy
7:13 Nirvana Fallacy
7:23 Proof by Assertion
7:40 Cherry Picking
7:51 Psychologist's Fallacy
8:00 Reification Fallacy
8:13 Retrospective Determinism
8:21 Thought Terminating Cliché
8:30 Fallacy of the single cause
8:40 Appeal to the Stone
8:48 Ignoratio Elenchi
9:00 Circumnstantial ad Hominem
9:07 Tone Policing
9:15 Association Fallacy
9:24 Appeal to Accomplishment
9:32 Courtier's Reply
9:41 Appeal to Consequences
9:50 Appeal to Novelty
9:57 Bulverism
10:03 Chronological Snobbery
10:13 Entitled to my Opinion Fallacy
10:22 Two wrongs make a right
10:28 Vacuous Truth
10:36 Fallacy Fallacy
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