I Want To Play A Game! Entity Throws Ouija Board & Box At Kays!

1 year ago

Following the last video where the Ouija Board planchette caught fire, it has been sitting on the table in its box whilst we decide on what to do with it.

As you can see in this video, at first we spot a peeking shadow figure and then the Ouija Board gets carried and suddenly thrown at Kayleigh! Added to this, her mum also gets her hair yanked backwards when she is asking Kays what happened.

I was planning on burning the Ouija Board this weekend, but after this event, I think the Entity is trying to tell us it still wants to communicate with us.

Not being sure who it wants to talk to, we are going to try and hold a family Ouija Board session this weekend....if the participants are willing!

We'll see how that goes! Wish us luck! 😐

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