Mark of The Beast Enabled

11 months ago

Even if you haven't been injected, they have found ways of vaccinating you against your will. They are injecting all our farm animals, fruit, fish and even vegetables with this poisonous concoction. They are putting graphene/fluoride and who knows what the fuck else in our food/water. They have been spraying the atmosphere with chemtrails a poisonous equivalent to this bitch ass injection , which we have been breathing in for decades now. They have been generically modifying insects to infect when bitten - then dropping them by the tens of millions from helicopters over populated areas. They have vaccinated our deer and elk by the hundreds of thousands, now they are stumbling around dying of something they are calling zombie deer disease, this means the wildlife can't be eaten and they claim the disease might spread to humans. This zombie deer disease is taking place in more than 30 states and it's spreading. The technology discussed in this video has the ability to interpret thoughts - that has been clearly demonstrated in other videos I've posted. However, it can do so much more, most of which is harmful, even deadly. I can see NO good from being 'infected' with this technology. These bitches are not only stealing your privately, but your very energy/lifeforce. They can theoretically control and or manipulate your actions/emotions and perhaps even murder you with this technology. I've been following this closely from the beginning and from the data I've seen it all seems to be feasible. How many tens of millions have they already murdered with this poisonous injection/technology 'that they FORCED/tricked' so many of us into getting ? Some claim it's around 17 million, but they don't know because all governments are hiding the data and arresting anyone brave enough to leak it - plus they haven't been doing autopsies the last few years - something they have ALWAYS done. I'm guessing the death rate is at least ten times more than 17 million and adding more each and every day with these turbo cancers and the 40% increase in mortality. All these fuck clowns responsible for these murders need to tried, convicted, then executed. Why everyone is so fucking passive.. makes me believe that we have been extremely drugged through our water/food supply.

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