icole Tsai: The U.S. should stand firmly with Taiwan after this Taiwanese election!

8 months ago

1/19/2024【Nicole on Outside the Beltway】Nicole Tsai: The U.S. should stand firmly with Taiwan after this Taiwanese election! I call on the U.S. to increase military support and arms sales to Taiwan to help its self-defense. There is no need to send American sons and daughters to fight for Taiwan. The US only needs to decouple from the CCP economically and stop funding and providing technology for the CCP's military modernization.
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP #Taiwanelection
1/19/2024【妮可做客Outside the Beltway节目】妮可:此次台湾大选后,美国应该坚定地支持台湾!我呼吁美国增加对台湾的军事支持和军售以帮助台湾自我防卫。不需要派美国人的儿女为台湾而战,美国只需要与中共进行经济脱钩并停止为中共的军事现代化提供资金和技术即可。
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共 #台湾大选

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