Come Walk With Me and Tour a Popular Australian Market

1 year ago

In this video "Come Walk With Me and Tour a Popular Australian Market" please come along with me as I walk around and tour Dandenong Market which is a popular Australian tourist attraction situated in the far South Eastern suburbs of Melbourne, which is touted to be soon Australia's most populous city bypassing Sydney for the title within the next decade.

Here's one filmed with my DJI Pocket.

SuperFan Membership level ShoutOut, thank you, much love and appreciation to you Troy @TAFla.

Fan Level Channel Member, a big thank you and appreciation to you, Joe @JoeHupp

Supporter Level Channel Member, a huge thank you and appreciation to you Gail @Gail's Southern Living

🇺🇲 May God Bless America 🇺🇸
Freedom comes at a cost of eternal vigilance!
🇺🇲May Freedom Prevail 🇺🇲
God Bless y'all ❤🇺🇲

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#DandenongMarket #FarmersMarket #ArielleVikingVenturerNVictuals #ArielleViking
#WhatsArielleDoing #WhatsArielleUpTo #ArielleVikingOutdoors #djiPocket #youtube #Vlogger #YouTubeContentCreator #YouTubeOutDoorContentCreator #YouTubeVlog #YouTubeMerchShelf #Teespring #Spring #YouTubeChannelTalk #YouTubeChannelMerchandise #YouTubeCookingLiveStreams

Cooking, filming, photography, outdoor content and editing by "Arielle-Viking Venturer N Victuals" YouTube channel and "ArielleVikingVenturerNvictuals" Rumble channel. Filmed on a DJI Osmo Pocket 2, Samsung Note Ultra or iPhone 11. Edited with InShot V.I.P (paid) and the DJI Mimo app.

Music used in this video

1. Koto Shan - OfShane (YouTube Audio Library)

2. Indian Walk - Nico Staf (YouTube Audio Library)

3. Friendly Dance - Nico Staf (YouTube Audio Library)

4. Lights - Patrick Patrikious (YouTube Audio Library)

5. Large Smile Mood - Nico Staf (YouTube Audio Library)

6. Blue Dream - Cheel (YouTube Audio Library)

7. A Star Spangled Banner - Cooper Cannell (YouTube Audio Library).

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