i'm trying to make clearer that bigger picture

1 year ago

my face is alright, NOT FISHING
living in america will make yer voice quite hoarse
don't stay parked on the shitter for too long
i promise the good stuff is still out there
and yawl know i hate the world
that's the sound of disappointment
when everyone is lied to, how could you expect a world better than this one
when everyone around you adheres to what doesn't make sense...
everything has it's purpose in leading me to the next thing
masculated that is correct, what carl jung would call the animus
you had better channel that anima correctly, son
women that act like women aren't good at comedy
a man commands attention, a woman demands it
emotions get in the way of rationale
women can understand way more due to their emotional capacity
DIY is a masculine trait, women are codependent (adam's rib)
they're all doing the same thing so why wouldn't men be women 2.0
i gotta be in touch w/ the man in my head in order to do this
people will put out for me cos my comedy is pretty good i guess
women don't take it upon themselves to understand their experience
talking about identity is useless if you don't include the brain
obviously they don't have any real interest

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