TAROT CARD PULLS ON: New York Tunnels | Miami Mall Happenings | Pluto moving into Aquarius

1 year ago

Hello Lovelies! Today we pull cards on:

1) The Tunnels Under New York- what were they actually used for?

2) The Miami Mall Incident- what did people actually see?

3) Pluto Moving into Aquarius; this huge astrological event is happening on the 20th/21st January- what can we expect?

(Here are a couple of links regarding Pluto moving into Aquarius:

• Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044

• Pluto in Aquarius for all signs - no ... )

4) Lynn's Pull: Advice regarding negotiating the next two weeks

If you'd like a personal reading from any of us, please check out our Landing Page below and get in touch!


Hello, we're Lynn, Barbara, Kaila & Ally! Together we're known as the Enlightened Ones of Wisdom. We bring a unique take on Tarot Card Reading with each of us bringing different yet synergistic energies.

We'll be back in two weeks to discuss the upcoming Wood Dragon Year!

For entertainment purposes only!

#tarot #plutointoaquarius #astrology #NYtunnels #miamimall

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