Agriculture & farming: Regenerative, agroecology, organic - how does it all fit together?

11 months ago

In this discussion Dr Charles Merfield 'Merf', of the Future Farming outlines how regenerative farming, agroecology and organics fit together, how research patterns have shifted over the decades, and the importance of interdisciplinary scientific research and information sharing in agriculture that includes farmers, scientists and farmer extension services.

PSGR's JR Bruning and Merf discuss the importance of social media platforms for information sharing, and the declining role of the public sector in making a place for basic science and interdisciplinary research.

Merf's primary interest is in sustainable horticulture and agriculture research (agronomy), extension and consulting, with a particular focus on physical and ecological weed management including weeding machinery and special expertise in thermal (flame and steam) weeding.

Merf was a coauthor on a recent white paper: Grelet, G., Lang, S., Merfield, et al (2021). Regenerative agriculture in Aotearoa New Zealand – research pathways to build science-based evidence and national narratives.

Merf can be contacted at the Future Farming Centre
Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility, New Zealand

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