everything is a mirror but nobody can see themselves

1 year ago

do yawl like those icicle lights over there
just a replica of sumin you think is relevant
it ain't even good but it's popular!
all these mfs ain't got a personality
crazy sexy cool, i hope they don't kill me like left eye (she was on her way to see dr. sebi so...)
copy of a, nine inch nails...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4frJxfrj_88
many people seem to be doing exactly what trent reznor is describing
they keep trying to widdle it down but they can't b/c it's too complicated
why do it yourself if you can just pay somebody...
i'm surprised that she hasn't knocked down that whole string of lights
pizza gate tribute pillow
are yawl familiar w/ bob ross?
watch my cat be entranced by her tail
i hiss at my own tail too

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