Exclusive interview with a key official of the Ansar Allah in Yemen

1 year ago

Exclusive interview with a key official of the Ansar Allah in Yemen

We were honoured to interview Muhammed Al-Bukhaiti of the Ansar Allah, to listen to the Yemeni perspective on #Gaza #Palestine, and their actions in the #RedSea, stopping ships destined for #Israel.

#Watch our latest broadcast to hear views you won’t find anywhere on or from our legacy media and politicians.

Rumble: https://rumble.com/v47m0lh-no2nato-broadcast-15-the-yemen-war.html

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBnSVBLP8d0

#Yemen #Gaza #No2Nato #No2War #YemenUnderAttack #Houthis

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