Caroline Yattone Believes Alex/Alicia's Lies, Claims I Did This For Views, She's Misled

8 months ago


Caroline Yattone of all people suddenly appears and makes this claim that I'm doing this for views when I'm actually recording video for the authorities and fellow victims to know what the cyberbullies are doing.
Caroline is clearly not aware about her digital footprint, as what she shares online anywhere can be tracked and be used for investigation and in court.
She doesn't realize that Alex/Alicia lied, and interrupted me multiple times in the debate which was a purpose to make me look like an idiot and get the wrong information out.
Alex/Alicia claimed that I said I had to delete my main channel because of WHO, but it was actually my blog channel. The fella kept interrupting me and I had to tell the fella to shut up multiple times.
Since she was in connection with Ali who was in connection with Alan Lucas who is in connection with the cyberbullies, Caroline is in trouble for her part and anyone else involved such as Ariel and James.

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