Gas Chambers in Gaza - Trump Pardons himself - Chief Rabbi PM in UK

8 months ago

Future knowledge now
Israels denies Palestine Holocaust as it builds gas chambers and issues stripy pyjamas
Jailed Trump wins election and pardons himself along with Big bUBBA and cell Blok d
In The UK Labour gov elects chief rabbi prime minister to prove theyr not antisemitic hu

Hello Untermensch welcome to the fkn news im back from the future - here are tomorrows top stories

No one in the world condemned Israel for systematic slaughter of Arabs in Gaza - or the destruction of every home in the strip. Israel used the claim of self defence to murder millions of unarmed men women and children in a campaign of merciless unbridled genocide against a population they imprisoned, and whose land they stole while the whole civilised western world of democratic lickspittle , hypocrites , just watched and mouthed platitudes about terrorism er mumble mumble, self defence club - which is why Israel now feels able to enact the final solution in Gaza - gas chambers and stroppy pyjamas - all the surviving Arabs will be rounded up labeled with the islamic moon , put into camps and then gassed to death with bio weapons supplied by America. President trump said good riddance to them all , prime mininster ben itzac rouble stein in the uk said its about time and the UN put its thumb up its ass wiggled it saying cooer mummy er gosh something um meh - moron that story later

After winning the us election Newly elected president Donal trump has pardoned himself of all felonys and other charges levelled against him . Speaking from his cell in la Guardia New York before release the president said - weaponising the justice dept against me was a truly despicable thing to do , totally un American which is why I am now having Biden , Clinton , Obama , Nancy Pelosi and Rudolph guilianni arrested for un American activities - im making my good friend Bubba who I met in the showers secretary of defence , great guy BTW can really handle a shank - and the whole of cell block d will be pardoned so they can be my honour guard at the inauguration - my first act as president will be to make me president for life - christianity the only legal religion and fake tan compulsory for all men over twenty one - vladimeer Putin will be Secretary of State and adult incest will be legalised so I can finally date my daughter ..isnt she beautiful

In the UK prime minister Keir starmer resigned due to allegations of anti semitism , after he claimed Israel shouldn’t really be in the Eurovision song contest and maybe their right to self defence did not include sterilising all Arab women . Jewish leaders all over the world and media in Britain crucified and pilloried him till he left office - literally crawling prostate on all fours out of ten Downing Street while apologising for not being a good enough to lick jewish boots - since then the Labour Party have elected a new party leader , and chief rabbi itzac goybuster is now priminister of Great Britain . The chief rabbi promised to rid the Labour Party and Britain of all anti semites by passing a law that requires all children to pledge allegiance to Israel , accept jews as the master race and beg forgiveness for saying Jesus was the Messiah. His cabinet would seek to represent all communities in the uk even tho its made up entirely of hacidic orthodox diamond merchants- oy vey
Thanks now the weather

fellow astronomers ,maintainers of the laws of physics, adherents of the great principals, custodians of our forbears knowledge, followers of the greatest religion in Universe , travellers on the eternal road of infinite study .Brothers and sisters. Today I call upon you all to Stand ready to fight, I bring you a call to arms. Yeah for the time has come to fight for our home, our lives , fight preserve good and defeat evil. For today here on earth we face a terrible danger , a terrible foe, the greatest evil in universe - the dark lord moron. yeah the dark lord moron, evil believer of beliefs and his acolytes , subjects servants slaves and lackeys - the Christian believers morons , muslim believer morons , jewish morons , sick, hindu and scientolofigsist - the list goes on and on - billions of poor souls lost the the darkness of believe, crippled and blinded by superstition ,not knowing anything about the great spark that is the light and life in all of us - praise the laws - one time
ignorance and stupidity have been allowed to flourish on earth - ignorance and stupidity celebrated , accepted nay even welcomed by legions of dumb ass muthfuckers - These are the works of the dark lord Moron - the anti light - the shadow of superstition and the tryrrany of belief fall on too many of our fellow travellers here on earth - That is why we the astronomers - praise the laws - it is our duty and never ending joy to bring light to those in the dark - to raise up those squalid creatures mired in believe and not knowing. Only we the astronomers can save them , only we can defeat moron and all his works , only we who study a learn and knowing have what it takes to battle - the morons of divinity . Yeah divinity the most evil of evils - the thief of curiosity , the assassin of doubt , the dogma of darkness , the most moronic of all lord morons demonic undertakings
Let us know - OH things that are and shall be understood by those of us smart enough to not be morons - let us know you and use you as the hammers and nails of our work, the sword of reason , the armour of rational thought, the bullets of facts , the spears and arrows of proven things. let us bear our mighty flame of light to the dark corners of earth and burn ignorance from the hearts of the oppressed, rendering to ash the asylums of worship and idolatry - death to all the evil morons of earth , death to them I say . The death of mumbo jumbo , hocus polis , gobble de gook , the death of praise the lord and god willing , the death of gods, ghosts, deomons, devils and angels , the death of prayers and faith and the faithful . Death I say death to them all - praise the laws
Do not shy away from the task my fellow astronomers , for it is wanted, needed, idemanded by our knowing and morons not knowing . Only by destroying morons will we be safe, only by killing evil ignorance and gods of the dim earth will we be saved - the stupid muthfuckas have not only doomed themselves to ignorance with superstitions and gods - but we stand on the verge of our planet being destroyed by them. our home, the living world that birthed us and nurtured us , raped and burned and deforested by people so evil that even now they call for more of it , more undeserved gratification , more useless brains hooked up to death gods of earth , screaming buy it sell it , give me it , sell me it , let me use it though I have no use for it , let me possess it tho it possess me. And so it must be - that we fight the war on moron ,for knowing is good and the sword of reason must cleanse this planet our home of those evil morons who don’t know shit and would kill us all and let god decided - I say death to them , death to evil , death to ignorance = praise the laws

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