$30 Million Funding for CCP Scientist in U.S.

8 months ago

01/18/2024 Nicole on Grant Stinchfield Show: According to an investigation by Newsweek, a CCP scientist received $30 million in funding while working at UCLA, and transferred the funds back to a Wuhan laboratory and Peking University. He diverted U.S. taxpayer-funded technology and scientific innovation to aid CCP’s military modernization. U.S. law enforcement agencies should stop CCP spies' activities on American soil.
01/18/2024 妮可做客Grant Stinchfield Show: 据《新闻周刊》的调查,一名中共科学家在加州大学洛杉矶分校任教期间接受3000万美元资助并将资金转回武汉的实验室和北京大学。他将美国纳税人资助的技术和科学创新转移到帮助中共的军事现代化建设中。美国执法部门应该制止中共间谍在美国本土上肆意妄为。

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