"Collateral Murder" War For Oil by Julian Assange, Snowden, Trump & Rockefeller Inc (TeslaLeaks.com)

1 year ago

"Collateral Murder" Unedited gun-camera video, released by WikiLeaks, of the incident on July 12, 2007 in which two Reuters journalists and a number of Iraqis were killed by fire from an American helicopter. https://www.nytimes.com/video/multimedia/1248069533084/collateral-murder.html

Trump Says We Should ‘Keep the Oil’ When ‘We Obliterate Somebody’ (FOR JESUS!) https://rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-keep-the-oil-speech-iowa-rally-1234946548/ -- Donald Trump "US Military used to steal oil in Venezuela, Iraq, Syria, WW2 Etc Etc (TeslaLeaks.com) https://www.bitchute.com/video/v7CxratklPpr/

On Trump's 'Steal The Oil Comments' and 'Obliterate Comments'... These are the FACTS. The U.S. went into Iraq, twice, to steal the oil. The oil is now run by ExxonMobil and Russia's Gazprom. Trump wants to 'Take the Money' from the oil too. The U.S. policy was to kill all 'Insurgents'; anyone over 13yo, but that running over children with Tanks was accepted as necessary. U.S. Secretary of State said 'Killing 2.5M in Iraq, 500K Children, and displacing 40M' was quote.'Worth It'. This is exemplified by WikiLeaks leak of 'Collateral Murder' a helicopter video saved by Edward Snowden, and the reason Julian Assange is still in Jail; the Blackhawk with Depleted uranium bullets was ordered to engage a group of 10 'insurgents' walking through the city. Those insurgents happens to be media reporters and their film crew. The helicopter claimed their cameras and stands were guns and RPG's. The helicopter engaged the reporters and killed them all. Live on TV. Then, a van with a man and children tried to save the remaining reporter. The helicopter engaged the would be helpers and killed them all too. Then, the tanks nearby moved in, and ran over their already dead bodies. In the video, the "Weapon" was the reporter's "Camera". This is what your responsible for when you buy any gas or oil. That's besides the oil fields being built by Osama Bin Laden Construction Company. And Saudi Aramco/Chevron is 50/50 Partnership, ... The subsdiaries of Standard Oil, Chevron-Exxon-Texaco etc. They also fund those yummy vaccines for you at Rockefeller's (GAVI) and dump their waste (Arsenic & Fluoride) in your water supplies. You all literally are terrorists and fund the terrorists at the same time. Citing the wonders on Cognitive Dissonance & Stocholm Syndrome. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome

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