"STOP DOING THIS" | Pure Public CRINGE | Kringe Against Humanity

1 year ago

Stop doing this in elevators! It's completely cringe. It's super cringe and you're better than that. Jessica Pearson a performs Country Roads in an elevator for people who do not want her there. It's really not good. Super cringey. She's not alone.

This happened with singer Bobbi Star on a plane too where she claimed she's a Grammy Nominated artist and is ENTITLED. It's really hilarious and funny but also, cringe and uncool to the people that it disrupts. Even if you sing with Maverick City Music. Don't do this. Not everyone is Lewis Capaldi.

Thanks for watching "STOP DOING THIS IN ELEVATORS" | Pure Public CRINGE | Kringe Against Humanity

#cringe #cringereaction #funnycringe #funny #elevatorprank #elevatorsinger

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