The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth. Be Like Jesus. Merciful And Full Of Grace.

1 year ago

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God, through the sacrifice of Jesus, wants to give every human on Earth the opportunity of salvation. Even those you may not like.

Infinite Forgiveness
From Intouch Ministries
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Relationships work well when we become channels of God’s mercy and grace.
Matthew 18:15-22
Some people say the most difficult part of any job is not the task itself or the challenge involved but getting along with coworkers. Are you surprised? Getting along with other humans is where things likely fall apart. So, after Jesus drives home God’s intention that not even one of His little ones should perish, the immediate takeaway He gives the disciples is conflict management advice.

Music video credit:
White Heart - Invitation
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Real 80s CCM

The Rock Almighty
Part Of the US Sports Network

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