Restore7 TV Creators Interview: The Israel Story

1 year ago

In today's Restore7 TV highlight, we are so excited to bring you The Israel Story: The Israel Story tells God’s story of hope and redemption for all mankind (the gospel) and the role that the Jewish people and the nation of Israel play in it. God is a communicator, and the Israel Story is the story that He is telling. Many people throughout history, who were able to experience and hear God’s story, told it and wrote it down. Others guarded over it, literally letter by letter so that it could be preserved for generations to come, for you and me. This story is found in the Bible. Central characters in the Bible story are the nation of Israel and the Jewish people, not just in the Old Testament, but in the New Testament too, not just in the past, but in the present and the future, as well. To understand The Story — God’s story as well as our story — we must understand the Israel story. That’s the objective. That’s what this study, our journey together, is all about.

Watch The Israel Story on Restore7.TV at:

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