The Heavens Declare the Glory of God

1 year ago

The universe declares a marvelous message of hope for all mankind. Are you listening? Discover how the creation all around you is proof of a powerful, loving Creator—and your mind-staggering eternal future.


Earth is the perfect seat for viewing the beautiful darkness of the cosmos. Is this mere coincidence? Should you learn a deep lesson by studying the universe?

Request our free booklet Our Awesome Universe Potential for a message of living hope in this hopeless world. Prove how your limited view of the universe today is just a glimpse of your glorious future.

Grasp the sheer impossibility of Earth being able to support life—and realize that only God could align the countless life-supporting factors on this planet. Understand why there is no life on any other planet—yet. Discover God’s plan to populate the vast endless universe one day.

Scientists can predict certain natural events years in advance because the universe obeys definite laws. You can set your clock by it. It is pleasantly predictable. The orderly character of the universe is a blueprint for successful human existence.

Study Our Awesome Universe Potential to uncover the precise parallel between physical laws governing the universe and spiritual laws governing human life. God established both sets of laws. Just as the universe functions properly due to the existence of absolute physical laws, your life will overflow with joy and fulfillment if you submit to God’s perfect spiritual law.

Also request a free copy of Gerald Flurry’s reprint article “How the Heavens Prophesy.” As the world around you indulges in distractions and lawlessness, you must set your mind on things above. Open your eyes and ears to the hope-filled message of the heavens. Through the universe, your Creator is trying to teach you about your future. Will you accept a fabulous eternity with God?

You will also receive a free copy of our reprint article ‘Lift Up Your Eyes on High.’ The James Webb Space Telescope has exceeded the marvels of the Hubble, allowing us to view the cosmos like never before. Why have these two remarkable telescopes become operational in recent years? Is there something out there that we really need to see? Not only is creation proof of a Creator, but it also reveals the ultimate potential of all mankind past, present, and future.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Our Awesome Universe Potential, “How the Heavens Prophesy,” and ‘Lift Up Your Eyes on High.’ Order now!

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