Presidential Candidate Dr. Shiva on Healthcare and the Political "Swarm"

9 months ago

Presidential Candidate Dr. Shiva on Healthcare and the Political "Swarm"
Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD - Tech Entrepreneur and Presidential Candidate

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Freedom Hub has platformed a couple presidential candidates and a lot of leaders for Health Freedom. We’ve also claimed that at one candidate, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., was the best on health freedom. He eloquently exposed the environmental insults aggravating the real epidemic – chronic disease – and rightly claimed that reversing that would reduce the bulk of health expenditures.

But, Kennedy isn’t the perfect choice, either. He is not that knowledgeable about health benefits reform let alone the needed patient empowerment. Putting the focus on “cash patients” can create a real supply and demand curve in the health economy. Trump helped with benefits and empowerment via his Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) and with hospital pricing disclosure laws. He also opposed mandating his vaccine, even if he still insanely defends his frankenshot and lockdowns. But did anyone really consider him a leader on Health Freedom anyway?

Kennedy has come under criticism from Dr. Shiva, who no longer supports Trump as he formerly did. Internecine warfare is inevitable in any movement, and justifiably so. Plus, the globalists would be foolish not to support any psyops which disrupt threats to their power.

Defeating globalist tyranny is THE priority for presidential candidate Shiva – so much so that he takes no prisoners in identifying the enemy and any useful idiots enabling their coming digital gulag. Growing up as an ‘Untouchable’ and thus chafing under the cruelty of the elite, Shiva excelled at MIT, invented email, started several tech companies, ran for Massachusetts Senate and identifies with the “Deplorables,” as Killary called regular Americans. Learn why Health Freedom is the tip of the spear for restoring our republic.

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