Witches Well and Holy Holy Holy Altar - Mount Holly, NJ

1 year ago

Most folks are familiar with the story of the witch trials that took place in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 and 1693. How about the legends told in the Mount Holly, NJ area of women being tried for witchcraft in that town in 1730? The story may stem from an article that appeared on October 22, 1730 in the Pennsylvania Gazette, which allegedly the locals began fearing the worst when their animals began acting strangely. “…the Accused had been charged with making their Neighbours Sheep dance in an uncommon Manner, and with causing Hogs to speak and sing Psalms.”
Mount Holly still holds some of these tidbits of history today at sites like the Holy Holy Altar
on the Mount and the nearby Witch’s Well. The Well, which is now sealed, gated, and adorned with security cameras, is located on the side of a wooded hill known as the Mount, right near a mysterious stone altar called the Holy, Holy, Holy. The altar is actually an old judgement table. You can still see where the gallows pole was where they were hung. The pole was cut down, but there is a piece remaining. There was a legend that the Jersey Devil is sealed inside a stone altar on top of a mountain.
Check out this weeks stop to see where a Witch trial, and possibly the burial site of the Jersey Devil cross our path on another one our road trips!

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