Ted Cruz Flattens Dick Durbin In Heated Exchange Over Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Abdullah Mangi

1 year ago

It is without fail that anytime a prominent Republican politico disagrees with or otherwise opposes a prominent Democrat minority figure, the race card (and/or the sexism card) will get trotted out as a way to shut that Republican up, shut down the debate, and dishonestly frame the differences in opinion as boiling down to racism or sexism (or trans/homophobia). We saw it nearly every day during the eight years Barack Obama was president, and also during Hillary Clinton's failed 2016 presidential campaign, and we continue to see it, for example, whenever members of the antisemitic "Squad" act stupidly, which is more often than not, unfortunately. On Thursday, we saw it again during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Adeel Abdullah Mangi, who was nominated by Joe Biden in November to serve on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit and was then renominated in early January after a contentious round of questioning in December.

During Thursday's hearing, Cruz again brought up some of those issues before the committee. In response, Judiciary Chairman Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) proceeded to play the race card against Cruz, accusing him in so many words of "Islamophobia" and insinuating that Cruz suggested Mangi might be a terrorist because he was a Muslim American. Cruz absolutely went off on Durbin in an inject-in-my-veins response, stating he had the right to respond considering his character had been impugned and refusing to cede time to anyone else on the committee until he corrected the record not only on his own position but on Durbin's shameful demagoguery as well.

• More at: RedState - Ted Cruz Flattens Dick Durbin in Heated Exchange Over Biden Judicial Nominee Adeel Abdullah Mangi

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