BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 1/19/2024 Fighting for free and fair elections - evidence and action

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9am Todd Buffington will be presenting irrefutable and factual information showing exactly what happened in Americas election. Todd Buffington is located at an undisclosed location in south, he was worked vigorously on behalf of Free and Fair elections, then..Entrepreneur, business man, MBA in finance & economics from a top school. Made a living using numbers/spreadsheets. I could tell right away we did not have an honest election in 2020 & started delving into election issues.

Harry Haury has not only been fighting for free and fair elections he helped write the HAVA - Help America Vote Act. Harry will be presenting United Sovereign Americans. They are an organization of citizen volunteers working to ensure valid Constitutional elections that are fair, accurate and trustworthy. They also seek to hold citizens, politicians and officials responsible for obeying our election laws. Using black letter law (very clear and disputed law) they are doing a great deal of research to show that those states' elections should not have been certified, and they are going to hold those officials accountable and force them to follow the law through the legal action, they are taking.

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Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Todd Buffington, Harry Haury

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