January 19, 2024

1 year ago

On January 19, many significant events have taken place throughout history. From influential birthdays to historical moments, this date has a rich history. Join us for a brief look at some of the most noteworthy occurrences on January 19 in this date in history video.

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1785 First manned balloon flight in Ireland
1861 Georgia secedes from the Union (US Civil War)
1871 1st Negro lodge of US Masons approved, New Jersey
1883 The first electric lighting system employing overhead wires, built by Thomas Edison, begins service at Roselle, New Jersey
1898 Brown defeats Harvard 6-0 in 1st intercollegiate hockey game
1915 World War I: 4 people in Norfolk are killed in the 1st German Zeppelin air raid attack on the United Kingdom
1922 Geological survey says US oil supply would be depleted in 20 years
1937 Millionaire Howard Hughes sets transcontinental air record (7h 28m 25s)
1952 NFL purchases struggling football franchise, New York Yanks from owner Ted Collins; moves club to Dallas, Texas
1952 PGA approves allowing black participants
1955 1st presidential news conference filmed for TV (Eisenhower)
1961 1st episode of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" is filmed
1967 Herr Karl Tausch writes shortest will "Vse Zene" (All to wife)
1970 US President Richard Nixon nominates G. Harold Carswell to Supreme Court, approval rejected by US Senate
1977 US President Ford pardons Iva Toguri D'Aquino (Tokyo Rose)
1979 John N Mitchell (former US Attorney General) released on parole from federal prison
1981 US & Iran sign agreement to release 52 American hostages
1984 California Supreme Court rejects the request of quadriplegic Elizabeth Bouvia's to starve herself to death in a public hospital
1988 "48 Hours" premieres on CBS-TV
1989 US President Ronald Reagan pardons NY Yankees owner George Steinbrenner for supplying illegal funds for Nixon's re-election campaign
1991 Eastern Airlines shuts down operations
1991 Sgt Slaughter defeats Ultimate Warrior for WWF championship belt
1992 Nature Boy Ric Flair becomes WWF champ at Royal Rumble
2006 The New Horizons probe is launched by NASA on the first mission to Pluto
2012 FBI shuts down Megaupload.com for alleged copyright infringement, hacker group Anonymous responds by attacking government and entertainment industry websites
2013 Lance Armstrong admits to doping in all seven of his Tour de France victories
2016 Sarah Palin officially endorses Donald Trump's presidential bid at a Trump rally in Ames, Iowa
2022 5G cellphone service launches in the US with airlines claiming it could interfere with airplane technologies

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