January 19, 2024

1 year ago

Rich Mclean / barran dodger offering $50000 to put him in touch with a lawyer soliciting justice as soon as his detriments are paid, contract on website where the evidence for cases also is:


Dr. Barran Dodger and Crystal, the husky, here, offering $50,000 to anyone connecting a lawyer soliciting justice.

This is to avoid my imminent homelessness that has been condoned and allowed before, and aimed for by Bill Shorten and Rebecca Faulkingham CEO of the NDIS. She refuses acknowledgement of a public letter offering real solutions to my immense detriments poverty and political impasse

This well-overdue justice will also:

Oppose my lack of healthcare:

I have been hospitalised seven times in three years because of my known vulnerability of mental illness

As a scapegoat these brave vulnerabilities I shared in my autobiography have been weaponised against me to elicit maximum damage

A mental illness intentionally amplified systemically by the government creating my poverty and homelessness

I have been diagnosed at various times with:

Chronic schizophrenia, adjustment disorder, ADHD, and a brain impairment (the result of my suicide attempt).

Currently, I have no psychiatrist,
Currently, I have no psychologist,
Currently, I am without medicine,
Currently, I do not even have a GP.

If you discovered you had cancer and were refused an oncologist or chemotherapy as medicine there would be outrage

Just because my mental illness is not like cancer does not negate its treatment as an ethical obligation to me

The redaction of my scripts is more than ignoring me more than malpractice more than pointedly neglecting to act its putting in effort at great length to ignore my suffering

These doctors such as Dr David Horgan wish me harm and they created it via neglect

Justice also puts a stop to further neglect from the government.

Justice means to be finally free of a malicious government tyranny.

This tyranny, which has proven to employ violent tactics, is an actual conspiracy to pervert the course of justice. It has been intentionally victimizing me in the conscious and malicious redaction of all my prosperity. This conspiracy, which tortures me without physical touch, acts silently from afar by employing others as proxies to enable my further financial destruction. It has obliterated my human rights and smashed all access to my legal rights.

The hard evidence any lawyer needs or anyone can see to help me, I have published in the public domain at this link:


All you have to do is make a phone call.

How will you spend your $50,000?

Any extra prosperity that comes to me via justice beyond my basic needs of a home, food, shelter, medicine, healthcare, legal care, and protection from threats of violence or further neglect will go into my trust fund I have set up.

That trust fund will be managed by me, and its purpose will act in a way that transforms money into meaningful experiences, amplifying love, joy, and understanding for Australia’s most marginalized.

Vulnerable people from all backgrounds, ages, cultures, specialties, sexualities, and of different abilities will be able to rely on [www.barrandodger.com.au](http://www.barrandodger.com.au) for some love, affection, understanding, and care.

Transforming the currency of money into meaningful experiences for the very vulnerable that amplifies love and connectivity for those who are least able to create those experiences by themselves unaided will be my honor to provide.

That’s the promise I make today and at [www.barrandodger.com.au](http://www.barrandodger.com.au).

I make this promise as an individual who not only has a disability but has become a liability for the government because of my moral obligation to call out corruption in the name of democracy and humanity, and I have suffered incredibly for speaking the truth.

I was earmarked for destruction in being identified, vilified, victimized, attacked, maimed, blamed, shamed, and framed, then tortured and even tortured to death, yet revived, and my tragedy whitewashed as a targeted individual by the Australian government.

My name is Dr. Barran Dodger, and I alone endorse this message.

Please see the concrete and undeniable evidence at the link:


Send that link to your legal aid, and let’s not only save my life but make this world a better place.

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