Pittano vs. Tasleem Debate. Sin and Salvation in Islam and Christianity

1 year ago

This debate was held at the University of South Florida on 17 Jan 24. It was open to the public. It was a debate centered on the thesis: “Sin and Salvation in Islam and Christianity.” Sheikh Fahad Tasleem flew in from Houston, TX for a few days and part of his time here in town was this debate. My thanks to Sh. Tasleem for debating me. It was very enlightening, sir.

At the start of my cross examination of Sh. Tasleem, I offer him copy of the book, “The Gospel According to Jesus” by Pastor John MacArthur. It is an amazing book that I recommend every Christian read. I would also recommend it to any Muslim who wants to better understand the Protestant position on the role of works in the Christian life. I offer many resources on this subject on Biblecia.com as well.
Also during the debate, I believe during one of my rebuttals, I mentioned an audio message that I had just posted the night before about the role of works in the Christian life. Here’s a link to that audio message: https://biblecia.com/audio/works-glorious-works-a-protestant-examination-of-the-role-of-works-in-the-christian-life-71-min/.

This debate is also available in audio format: https://biblecia.com/audio/pittano-vs-tasleem-debate-sin-and-salvation-in-islam-and-christianity-134-min/.

The debate’s timeline is as follows-
-Introduction of the speakers (with a few venue photos) at the start.
-Opening Remarks for Sheikh Tasleem: 00:02:30.
-Opening Remarks for Reverend Pittano: 00:22:00.
-Rebuttal 1 for Sheikh Tasleem: 00:41:52.
-Rebuttal 1 for Reverend Pittano: 00:49:00.
-Cross Examination 1. Sheikh Tasleem questioning Reverend Pittano: 00:58:42.
-Cross Examination 2. Reverend Pittano questioning Sheikh Tasleem: 01:13:20.
-Audience Q&A. 01:29:44.
-Closing Remarks for Reverend Pittano: 01:53:55.
-Closing Remarks for Sheikh Tasleem: 02:03:57.

This was my first public moderated debate. I pray it will not be the last. Thank you to all to the hundreds of people of all faiths who were in attendance. Thank you all for coming. SDG!

God bless!!!
(If this has been a blessing to you, would you please share it with someone else? Come by Biblecia.com anytime for new stuff).

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