Prophet Julie Green - A Great Cleanup Has Begun to Remove Dirty Politicians from Their Positions

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8 months ago

This video is a powerful and prophetic message from the Lord, declaring that this is the hour of His power. He reveals that He is pouring out His power upon His children and the earth like never before. The Lord declares that in this time, our enemies will lose everything - their power, positions, influence, and control.

He assures us that He is still the God who saves, delivers, and heals, and that His covenant with His children will not be broken. The Lord encourages us to receive His power, healing, deliverance, and freedoms, as He is in control. He also reveals that significant events will take place in the Mediterranean Sea, the Caspian Sea, the Atlantic Ocean, and various countries around the world.

The Lord warns of a major shakeup in the Pentagon, with whistleblowers coming forward to expose corruption and betrayal. He also reveals that another government will collapse, unusual weather will occur, and an awakening will take place in Las Vegas and New York City. The Lord assures us that He will be with His people as they fight for freedom and victory. He declares that the Department of Justice will be exposed, and a collapse of their narrative will be seen. The Lord reveals that the great cleanup of removing corrupt politicians from power has begun, and the world is about to experience His glory like never before. He encourages His children to hold on, as everything is about to shake and great change will take place, leading to celebrations for our freedoms.

Full Video Transcript:

Good morning, everybody. Today is Friday, December 29th of 2023. Thank you for joining today's live show once again. And wow, I cannot believe it's almost like 2024. There's only a few days left of 2023. And I will have to say it's been one of the greatest years. There's been a lot of ups and downs, but. You know, seeing what God is doing and just, it has been one thing after another, it's been like a dream.

I will tell you, it's, it, what he's done in my own life, what he's done in this ministry, it's been like a dream. And it has been so amazing to see God do all the things that he's doing. In not only in my life, but the ministry's life, but around the world, God is on the move. And yes, as we declare and decree every single day, God wins because God always does.

He is undefeated and our enemy is a loser. And I love to remind them that they are losing. And one of the things that our enemies hate the most is that we are showing no fear. That we are standing together united that we are believing god that we are still searching for him and that we have faith in god That we are still reading our bible that we are still praying and we are still standing That is what they hate the most they hate unity and they hate your faith They hate the fact that you are not cowering that you are not surrendering and that you are not giving up in fear or worry, you are not crying to the fact that you are in hopelessness and despair.

They hate that. And so what we are showing them is that we are never going to surrender because we know the end. We may not know how we are going to get there, but we do know the end and the end is almighty God. And we know the result of the end. And that is. We win. So we declare this day that we have the victory.

We declare this day that everything that we see before us is about to change because things that are seen are temporary. They're fleeting and they're subject to change. It is in the scriptures in 2nd Corinthians 4 and verse 18 Things are subject to change the things that we see and so that's why I'm encouraging each and every one of you Not to be discouraged today about anything that you may be experiencing because things are about to change Because everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

And so things are about to intensify. And I know what the Lord has been warning us about 2024, he said it's a year of more. And he says it's a year we've been waiting for, but when that year, he's also been warning us of things. So things are about to get a little bit, you know, crazy, chaotic. I don't know what you want to call it.

But we can sit there and we can smile we can sit there and we can laugh because I'm gonna give you some scriptures After I give you this prophetic word that the Lord has given me today to give to you that we are Not of this world. We're in it, but we are not of it. Okay. Now I want to this prophetic word today I'm gonna get you it's called a great Cleanup has begun to remove dirty politicians From their positions, prophetic word again is called a great cleanup has begun.

To remove dirty politicians from their positions and I heard that this morning very early this morning before I get to that If you do have any prayer requests or praise reports, please go to our website at jgmi or Jgm international. org Under our contact page or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street Sweet 200, Davenport, Iowa, 5 to 8 0 7.

And of course, if you want any Julie Green Ministries merchandise, you can go to threesunthreads. com. There is cups left and there is brand new merchandise and there'll be more to come in the month of January. I cannot wait to so you guys can see all these things that are coming, but again, threesunthreads.

com is the only place where you can get Julie Green Ministries merchandise. All right. Now, and of course, next month, I'll be in Grand Ridge, Florida. If you guys want to join us, go to our website at jgmi, or jgminternational. org under our events page. We will be with Brother Timothy Dixon, Amanda Grace, Manuel Johnson Jasmine Brady, Candy Christmas, and many others.

So, please come and join us in Grand Ridge, Florida. Alright, now, that is all the announcements to make. I try not to make a lot of announcements. So, okay, this, again, this prophetic word is called a great cleanup has begun to remove, to remove dirty politicians from their positions. I love how God names. I love how he names these prophetic words.

All right. Now here it is. For I, the Lord, this day am telling you, my children, this is the hour of my power. This is a time where I am pouring out my power like never before. My power upon my children and unto this earth, like no other time in human history. This is a time where your enemies will lose it all.

They will lose their power. They will lose their positions. They will lose their influence. They will lose their narratives and their control. They will lose their governments. They will lose their globalist agenda. They will lose control over my children, over my church. They're losing their power. In the economic system and in the corporate world, this is the hour.

And this is a time where evil men, all that holds them and their positions will be pulled down and their plans destroyed.

My children in this hour of power, you will see, I am the one true God. You will see and understand that I am still the God that saves, that still delivers, and I still heal. I still move heaven and earth. You would say to protect my children. I am still a covenant keeping God and my covenant. I will not break

my children. The power your enemies think they have is nothing compared to me. So receive my power and receive what I have for you in this hour. Receive your healing. Receive me in a greater way. Receive your freedoms. Receive your deliverance. Because I am in control.

I am moving to bring the wicked down in ways that are unconventional. In ways no one thought was possible. In ways no one would dream of. Think of the Red Sea, my children. And think much bigger than that. I am a big God. So don't put limitations on me to save you this day, this month, or even this year or next.

Nothing will stop what is about to take place because I have told you, my children, no one can stop me. Sayeth the Lord.

Something significant is about to be seen in the Mediterranean Sea. Watch the Caspian Sea, something unusual. We'll take place there. Watch the Atlantic ocean. I've told you time and time again, a storm is brewing. This is not just any storm or a natural one, but one that will take down the evil that holds you.

Continue to watch the waters and you will know as soon as you see it. A major

shakeup has begun in your Pentagon, oh United States. Whistleblowers are about to come forward with truth and proof that many in your Pentagon had sold you out, gave highly classified and secretive information, and gave it to your enemies for their globalist agenda. I told you many generals would be exposed, and that day is drawing near.

Nothing will stop the evidence that is coming out regarding your Pentagon Supreme Court, F-B-I-C-I-A-N-S-A, and many in your House of representatives, many in your Senate, and was about to take place in your so-called White House people will say is unprecedented.

Your enemy's house of cars is falling or failing and falling, and they know it. Their time is running out, so hold on, things will intensify in the coming days and months. But remember, my children, this is for your freedom from all of this corruption.

An unusual earthquake will take place in Indonesia, and Bali will also be in your news for a significant reason.

Austrak, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Brazil will also be in your news for a significant reason.

Another government is about to collapse that will get the world's attention. Unusual weather, they will keep saying all over your news because unusual times you are living in. This is to get people's attention and to wake people up. Many will be asking what in the world is going on. And my children, this is a time for me to show you that I have spoken these words before it took place.

Let your faith arise and let your enemies be scattered. In this hour,

something significant will happen in Las Vegas that will get the world's attention. Keep your eyes on New York City. A shaking has begun for an awakening that your enemies cannot stop. An uprising has started and more people will see the truth of who is really against them. And it's not who the news says it is.

Governor Holkel and the mayor of New York City. We'll take hits one right after another. A cry for their removals will be seen and heard. The cry of New York City for freedom is getting louder and louder.

Watch New York City and what they do against you once again. Where you, where you think your crime filled streets couldn't get any worse. Well, I tell you, they have more damage and more oppression and more crimes planned for your city. Wake up now and fight back and I will be with you. Wake up to me and you will see a great victory and a cleansing and a healing in your city, saith the Lord.

The DOJ is about to be exposed. And a major collapse of their narrative will be seen by the world. Tyranny, people will shout. Obstruction, election interference, liars, and murderers. I told you my children Merrick Garland has a lot to answer for. And he will not get away with what he has done to my nation.

Whistleblowers are coming forward with proof of all that he has done against this nation. He has been caught red handed and doesn't even know it. That I've had people that have infiltrated the DOJ to get all the proof I needed to bring them all down, once and for all.

More will not be seeking re election in your government, oh United States. Because the great clean up has begun of removing dirty politicians from your Capitol. And places of power. This is the hour of my power and the world's about to experience my glory like never before. This is a time where you have been waiting for and everything is beginning to shake and soon great change will take place.

Hold on my children. It's about to shake like never before and great celebrations will take place for your freedoms, sayeth the Lord of Hosts. Now, as you guys all know, I will be reading that again. There's a lot to take in on this prophetic word. Again, God is exposing, and I, like I said, I love what he called it, a great cleanup that has begun of dirty, of removing dirty politicians from their positions.

That's what God does. Remember it says in Psalm 75 and verse 7 that God is the judge. He takes down one and lifts up another. God is the one who removes and God is also the one who replaces. So it doesn't matter what man has in store or what man has planned. God's plans will always go as planned. There is nothing that's going to stop Almighty God.

And that's why no matter what we're seeing in our governments all around the world, and this is not just regarding the United States of America. And I repeated that multiple times because God is not just saving and delivering this nation. He's delivering the nations around the world. So if your nation needs freedom, if it needs deliverance, if it needs restoration, if it needs an awakening, you call out to God and you expect to receive, receive that God is a God who nothing is impossible.

That he is, like he said in his prophetic word, that he is a covenant keeping God. He will and he's faithful to always Perform his word now yesterday's prophetic word about a great judgments were coming to shake the nations Well great judgment is coming. So we're going to start seeing things becoming very unusual abnormal Uncomfortable things like that God's been warning us about this But one thing I'm going to tell you over and over and over and over again, that is not for you and I, that is bring an awakening to people who refuse to awake right now.

There are still asleep by what God called it yesterday in that prophetic word, a sleep of deception. So they are completely deceived and they are not awake to the truth. But at the time of this shaking, if you have people, you know, and you love you pray in the time of this shaking, that they are completely awake and that they see the truth and that truth sets them free.

Again, we need to believe the truth of almighty God, that no matter what our enemies are doing to ourselves or our families or our finances or our governments or our nations, God is the one who is in control. God is the one who can change everything in a blink of an eye. Another thing that he said in this prophetic word today was that if you see the Red Sea, think bigger.

That is not the first time he's mentioned the Red Sea, or he's mentioned the fact that what he's about to do now is greater than he even did back then. It's hard for us to even fathom. It's hard for us to think about God doing something greater than the Red Sea. I mean, as a kid, that was one thing that just, I was in awe of God over and over, watching the Ten Commandments.

I was watching that as a kid. I wonder why. God has me as like the Exodus preacher. That's what I preach about all the time. But that was on my heart so much was that part of the Red Sea of what he did for them. And so what he's saying for us is that he has something even bigger in store for us. Because they were part of the Amorhamic Covenant.

We're part of the blood covenant of Jesus Christ and he is a blood covenant or he's a covenant keeping God And he said the former reign or sorry the latter reign which is us is Greater than the former that means what he has done before He's saving it for us to do even greater works. No eye has ever seen And nor ear has ever heard what God is about to do.

So when this time when things are getting, you know, they're shaking, they're intensifying and things are getting unusual and uncomfortable, this is something that I want you to be aware of. If this is something that God did for his people. In Israel for Israel, I mean, sorry for the Israelites in the land of Egypt, then why would God not do this now?

I want to show you this again. I know I've gone over this before but it's really imperative that this is spoken of again And we all remember what God is capable of and who he truly is now if you go to Exodus chapter 7

Exodus chapter 7 and Verse 3 Exodus chapter 7 and verse 3 And I will make Pharaoh's heart stubborn and hard and multiply my signs my wonders miracles in the land of Egypt Remember I read this yesterday God hard in the heart of Pharaoh So Pharaoh would not let God's people go so God could show his mighty signs wonders and powers Not only for his people to realize who he was but also for the enemies of Almighty God to realize who God was So they would turn and repent He was giving them an opportunity to do that, but they refused now.

Let's read on he says but Pharaoh's heart will not or Pharaoh will not listen to you and yeah, but Pharaoh's will not listen to you and I will lay my hand on Egypt and Bring my armies and my people and the children of Israel out of that land of Egypt with great judgments So again, remember he gave us great judgments yesterday.

He's been talking about that. He gave us a scripture But there's a reason why I'm reading this again. And then he says, verse five, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord. And when I stretch out my hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them, and then, so again, God is saying, God, the enemies of almighty God are going to see my hand and I am going to bring.

Out my children from among the Egyptians. That means I'm going to take them away from those taskmasters I'm gonna take away from that oppression I'm gonna free them from all the slavery and the bondage and all the Damage that has been done to their minds all the damage that's been done to their bodies all the damage that's been done Financially to them God says I am bringing them out And if God brought them out which he said he was going to do Even though even after God said it in Exodus chapter 7 it looked worse It looked worse before it got better.

It looked worse before they were actually, were taking a part of that exodus and they actually walked out of Egypt. Things got much worse, but now listen, if you read in Exodus chapter 8. Now, again, things were getting worse because you could see the plagues taking place. All right, but now in Exodus chapter 8 and verse 23, look what the Lord says, Exodus chapter 8 and verse 23, and I will put a division and a sign of deliverance between my people and your people and my, and by tomorrow shall this sign be in evidence.

So God said, he gave me this prophetic word sometime last year. We talked about a great separation, and it gave me these specific scriptures in the Bible where he greatly distinguished his people from the Egyptians. He made. And he showed God's people, they were his, and he was protecting them. And he showed the enemies of Almighty God, These are my people, and you will no longer have my people.

God was proving to them, both, both sides of the aisle, He was proving to them that he was the Most High God. But he says this more than once, with all these plagues that are going on. Then he says, In Exodus chapter nine, verse one, then the Lord said to Moses, go to Pharaoh and tell him, thus says the Lord, God of the Hebrews, let my people go that they may serve me.

We talked about this before. God wanted his people free so they can freely serve him. God wants you and I free from all sickness, all disease, all the fear, all from all the oppression, from all the taskmasters, from all the things that they are doing that have done against us. God wants us free to be able to freely serve him.

You are not free if you are constantly sick in your body. You are not free if you're constantly tormented in your mind. You're not free if you have pain in your body consistently. You are not free if you have tons of problems financially. You're not free if you have problems in your family. You're not free and God wants you completely free because remember whom the sun sets free is free indeed Jesus came to ransom us.

Jesus came to pay for our freedom Jesus came and he came to destroy the power of the wicked so we would be Greatly distinguished or there'd be a great separation between us in the world. We are not supposed to be partakers of judgment We're not supposed to be partakers of all the things that are about to happen upon this earth That's not what God's saying.

So again, he says in verse two, if you refuse to let them go and still hold them, verse three, this is exodus nine and verse three, behold, the hand of the Lord will fall upon your livestock. Now this is part of the judgment. This is the plague and it said livestock, which are out in the field upon the horses, the donkeys, the camels, the herds, and the flocks, there shall be very, a very severe plague.

Now this was part of their food source. Of course, this was part of their financial source. Where's their was their cattle? He said there's gonna be a severe plague and look what he says in verse 4 but The Lord shall make a distinction between the livestock of Israel and the lies of a lies of Egypt Livestock of Egypt and nothing shall die of that belongs to the Israelites So their food supply was not going to be affected.

It's not going to affect them. It's gonna affect the enemies of Almighty God. That severe plague or judgment was gonna affect the enemies of Almighty God, but it wasn't gonna affect God's people. And he goes on to say in verse 5 in the Lord said a time saying tomorrow the Lord will do this thing in the land of Egypt.

And in this land verse six and the Lord did that next day and all the kinds of livestock of Egypt died So their food source was destroyed just like that Just how God said but of the livestock of the Israelites not one died So again, God was showing the great distinction. There's gonna be problems with the food source And the food supply and the prosperity in the land of Egypt.

He said, but with my people, they're not going to lack anything. They're not going to lack their food. They're not going to lack anything because I am protecting them and I am their source. That's what God was showing them both sides. Then he also says it in verse okay. Also in Exodus chapter nine in verse 24, this is part, this is part of the plague where there was hail and the hail turned in fire. And it says in verse 24, so there was, this is Exodus 9, verse 24. So there was hail and fire flashing continually in the midst of the weighty hail such as had not been seen in all the land of Egypt since it began, became a nation.

So he's talking about something that was unusual, not natural. This hail was weighty or big. And it turned to fire. So this was unusual weather that was happening. In verse 25, The hail struck down throughout all the land of Egypt. Everything that was in the field, both man and beast. And the hail beat down on the vegetation of the field and shattered every tree of the field.

It caused utter destruction. But look what verse 26 says. Only in the land of Goshen, where the Israelites were, Was there was no hail. So there's no hail. There was no damage. So the unusual weather that was taking place with all that hail was not affecting the land of Goshen. Again, God was showing the great distinction between the Egyptian and all they owned and all they had and God's people.

It was completely different. Then you can also see it in Exodus chapter 10 and verse 21. Exodus chapter 10 and verse 21. I'm giving you these because the Lord gave these to me to give to you, to reveal to you and give that revelation that no matter what takes place, no matter how unusual, no matter what judgments happen, do not fear.

It's not for you. It's not for you and I. Verse 21, Exodus chapter 10 and verse 21. And the Lord said to Moses, stretch out your hand toward the heavens There may be darkness over the land of Egypt. A darkness which may be felt. Now he's talking about a darkness. What has God talked about us about a darkness?

He talked about judgments. He talked about shakings. He talked about things that are going to change. He talked about things that are going to be unusual. He talked about blackouts. He talked about things with weather. He talked about all of these things. Now, and here, he talks about what's happening in Egypt.

He said there's going to be a darkness so much it's going to be felt. Not just seen, it's going to be felt. I believe there could be like such a great depression or oppression that came upon these people. It was very hopeless and full of very much despair and worry, anxiety, fear, whatever it was. It was a darkness that could be felt.

Then it says in verse 22, So Moses stretched out his hand toward the sky and for three days a thick darkness was all over the land of Egypt. But look at what verse 23 says. The Egyptians could not see one another, nor did anyone rise from this place for three days. But all the Israelites had natural light in their dwelling.

Again, God is showing that He set His people apart. And no matter what judgment, Or plague came upon is of the Egypt the Egyptians. It did not happen to the children of Israel Time and time and time again in a course with the last plague which was the death of the first born God has told us about the angel of death coming.

He told us about that He said it the last like I don't know year and a half or so And so when he's saying it again, it is not to bring fear to you or I, what he's saying is look what I did when the angel of death happened in the land of Goshen and make sure they did not touch any of them. He gave us people specific instructions.

They put the, the, the blood over the doorposts. They have their unleavened bread. They did all of these things. And God is saying be that he's protected. So be not afraid of anything that you were about to see. So again, this is a part of tea seed time and harvest. When things the enemy sow all of this destruction, they sow all of this death.

They sow all of these things that will be done unto them. Remember, Pharaoh wanted the firstborn of the Israelites to be slaughtered, but it was actually the firstborn of the Egyptians, and I'm sure that they laughed and they mocked as well. There's many people who laugh and mock today, but God will not be mocked.

God will not be mocked, and they will have a laugh for now, but just as in the days of Noah. When they were laughing and mocking at Noah and they thought how stupid he was because there was no such thing as rain because it had never rained in that particular point in time. There was a mist that came up from the ground and that's what watered all of the, of the plants.

And all the vegetation, it was a mist, there was no such thing as rain. So when Noah was talking about rain in that particular time, everyone thought he was a crazy lunatic and he's lost his ever loving mind. When he was speaking something that God was giving him to say, even though it went against nature, it went against what was normal.

It went against what people thought that could ever happen. They could not even perceive it. Because they have never seen it. So they couldn't believe it. And they mocked him, and they mocked him. Until the rains came. This went on for 125 years, and all of a sudden the rains came. And they weren't laughing anymore.

When the flood came, no one, but Noah and his family was saved. So time and time again in the Bible, there are people that mock God's mouthpieces. There are people that mock what God is saying. There are people that mock the Bible on a continual basis. There are people that mock the truth. Because the devil is always around and he always mocks it because he doesn't want people to believe it.

He wants people to turn away and say, impossible. That's stupid. That's crazy. That's abnormal. That will never happen. And, and it will. Why? Because God says it will. And if God says it will, it will take place. When God says, let my people go, it will. God's people will be let go. Because God spoke those words and it will take place.

It will happen. Now, I also want to read to you something, now again, I'm not going to read for the sake of time, because I have to go over this prophetic word. If you go over and read Exodus chapter 11, in what all the children of Israel, they were instructed, they had specific instructions about what to do Right before the angel of death happened.

Okay, right before the angel of death came they had specific instructions They obeyed the instructions and as you can see in the book of Exodus chapter 11 and 12 You will see that the angel of death passed by and not one of the Israelites died Not one. Why? Because they obeyed God. So what does that say to us?

That we need to obey God and what he's telling us to do? Seek him. And he even says again, when your faith arise and your enemies will be scattered. So let's turn to also, Abbasidon, he's talking about again, greatly distinguishing, a great separation, and let's read in the New Testament and John,

in John chapter 17,

What separates us from experiencing judgment, what separates us from experiencing all the crazy and unusual things, all the shakings, all the things that are about to happen, because God said, you know, brace for impact. I mean, that's a, that's a pretty substantial saying when he's telling us this and he's warning us about something big that's about to happen.

He's saying brace for it. Don't expect it to affect you, but be aware of it taking place so you can separate yourself. And he's saying right here in John 17 and verse 13, and now I'm coming to you. I say these things that while I'm still in the world, that my joy may be full and complete and perfect in them.

They may experience my delight fulfilled in them. My enjoyment may be perfected in their souls that they may have my gladness within them filling their hearts. This is what Jesus was praying. This was one of the last prayers that he prayed before he went to the cross. Okay, in verse 14, I have given and delivered to them your word or your message and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, do not belong to this world, just as I am not of this world.

Again, Jesus is saying right here that we are in this world, but we are not Of it that means we don't be partakers of what happens The news says there's another virus and the news says there's you know, shortages the news says this and news says that it doesn't matter You are not supposed to be partakers of it because you are in this world and you are not of it You have jehovah jireh.

You remember that god is a god Who, when Jesus was on this earth, remember he multiplied the loaves and the fishes. Remember what happened even before Jesus. Remember what happened with Elijah in Elijah's day. When the woman, the widow woman with the oil, and the oil refilled. The widow woman with the flour and it refilled.

God is a multiplier. When Jesus, when he was on this earth, one of the first things he did in ministry, His first miracles that he made was he turned water into wine. They were out. He made, turned water into wine, something that was virtually impossible. It wasn't just any kind of wine. It was the best wine.

And then when there's over, you know, 5, 000 000 men. So with men and women, it could have been 25, 000 people. There was thousands of people there that needed to be fed. They had nothing. They had two loaves. They have five. Oh, sorry. They had loaves and the fishes. And with the loaves and the fishes, they had five loaves and two fishes.

And with that, that couldn't feed that many people. It was supposed to be just a little boy's lunch. With those five loaves and those two fishes, Jesus multiplied. He blessed it. He multiplied it. He blessed it onto his Heavenly Father. He multiplied it and fed a whole bunch of people. And then twelve baskets were left over.

God is a multiplier. And when we don't have enough, God is more than enough. And so it doesn't matter what takes place, God is saying, He is the answer to every problem in the world today. I'm gonna say that again. God is the answer to every problem in the world today. Today now I'm gonna keep reading. This is John 17 in verse 15.

Look at what he says I don't ask that you take them out of this world that you keep and protect them from the evil one Jesus is saying keep and protect them from the evil one verse 16 They are not of the world worldly belonging to the world just as I am NOT of the world He says it again. You are not Of this world you are in it, but you are not of it Remember you are redeemed from the curse you redeemed from lack you're redeemed From any part of those things that you free read in deuteronomy chapter 28 if you read 15 on Which is the curse and if you read it and say I will not partake in any of that part of the curse Any of the curse so no matter what happens in this earth, you are not a partaker of it.

Do not accept it Do not receive it. If you hear about things are going on, that's going to happen near your area. Okay. Whether it be earthquakes, whether it be weather, whether it be whatever it is. Don't be partaker of it. Remember, in Goshen, there was darkness in Egypt, but there was light in Goshen. There was death in Egypt, and there was life in Goshen, and healing.

The same night, the Lord just bring this up to me, the same night that the Egyptians, the firstborn, died, In Egypt, was the same night, God was restoring life and healing into his people. So the exact opposite took place. On one side, there was darkness and death. And the other side, there was light and life and healing.

He was greatly distinguishing them. And he's saying, so no matter what happens, God warned us of them screaming and shouting viruses. He's warned us of that for over probably two years now, and we know that their desperation is growing. We know that they see that they are losing their narrative. They're losing their control, and they will ultimately lose the 2024 election.

They know it. And so now it's time for them to do whatever it takes. To stop them from losing, but we know no matter what they do, we know that God is in control. And so how we separate ourself from the world and everything that's going to take place. Is this right here? Verse 17, sanctify them, purify, consecrate, separate them for yourself.

So what Jesus is praying, make them holy by the truth. Your word is truth. God's word. Separates us from the world. It separates us from death. It separates us from darkness. It separates us from the curse. It separates us from everything that's going on in the world. God's truth. Why? God's word. God's word separates us.

God's word greatly distinguishes us and God's word is truth and it sets us free. That's why we get in to the word of God on a daily basis. So it separates you. You renew your mind with the word of God and you're not thinking, talking or acting like the world. And so when the world and the news is saying worse of times, you're going to say, no, it is the best of times.

You say, Julie, that's crazy. No, that's faith. That's speaking contrary to the world. Remember, God is a supernatural God and you see what he did with Isaac in Genesis 26. There was a famine in the land. They told Isaac, don't go down to Egypt. Don't go and do what everybody else does. Go where I tell you to go.

So naturally everybody went down to Egypt because that's where prosperity was. That's where the supply was. That's what the source was of food and whatever. Everyone went to Egypt. They looked to Egypt. To be their guide to be their God to be their source and God was saying don't go among them Don't go doing what everybody else does go and do what I tell you to do So he did Isaac did it knew what happened what happened with Isaac?

Is that he hold on a minute if you go to Genesis 26 in Isaac if you read In verse 12, Isaac obeyed God. He didn't go along with the lie. He didn't go along with what was going on, the famine in the land. He didn't go along and do what everybody else was doing. He was doing contrary to what everybody else was doing.

What we're supposed to be doing. Genesis chapter 26 and verse 12. Then Isaac sowed in that land. Now everybody would say sowing is stupid if there's a famine in the land. And he did. He sowed because God told him to. And Isaac, then Isaac sowed in that land, and he reaped in the same year a hundredfold, and the Lord blessed him.

So when everybody else was dealing with lack and a famine, Isaac received, sowed, and received a hundredfold. Why? Because he believed and trusted in God. God greatly distinguished or separated Isaac from what was going on with that famine in the land at the time. You can say famine, you can say an economic crash, you can say a depression at the time.

No matter what it was, there was a lot of lack and there was a lot of trouble in the world, but Isaac was not partaking of it.

So, and if you read in verse 13, this is amplified. In Genesis 26 verse 13, And the man became great and gained more and more until he became very wealthy and distinguished. So while everybody else was dealing with a famine, Isaac was becoming very wealthy and he was greatly distinguished. That's God. And what, again, what Isaac did was something that naturally was stupid.

People would mock you and tell you that you are crazy. Well, that's not how the world goes. Exactly. Don't go with how the world goes. You go contrary to what it says. They say you to do this you better do the opposite because you better be listening to what God is saying and not what they're Telling you to do if they're telling you again, they're telling you the worst of times guys saying, ah, these are the best of times He's separating.

They say darkness. They say death. They say despair. God is saying light He's saying life and he's saying abundance. God is saying the opposite So again, what's going on in the world? You're not supposed to be partakers of it Now I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word once again for those who have just joined And I'm going to try to explain it if he has me, you know, explain any more.

All right now, so again, it's called a great cleanup has begun to remove dirty politicians from their positions. And I heard this word this morning, cry the Lord this day. I'm telling you, my children, this is the hour of my power. This is a time where I am pouring out my power like never before. My power upon my children and unto this earth, like no other time in human history.

Now, I just read you great examples of God's power in the hour that God's people needed it the most. Okay. I read you what happened with Isaac and what happened in the family land. I read you what happened in the book of Exodus. I read you and John when Jesus was praying and saying, and separate them.

From the world. They don't belong to this world. Separate them out of this world, but he's not out of He didn't say, no, take them out of this world. He said, but just separate them from it, protect them from the evil one. So God is saying that even though you saw my power, you saw what he did with the plagues in Egypt.

You saw what he did with the red sea. You saw how he destroyed the, the walls of Jericho. You saw how he shut the mouths of lions and the Dan and the lion said, you saw how he was the fourth man that showed up with Shadrach, Meshach, and Benegal in that fiery furnace. You You saw how God showed up.

You saw him show up for David and Goliath. You saw him show up for his people and mean every single time. And he's saying this is the hour of power like no other time in human history. So if you saw all the magnificence and the awesome and the splendor of God and how he showed up for all of his people before, he's saying I'm going to do even greater now.

Why? Because we have a better covenant and there is more need of his power now. Then before, because again, it's not just one nation in trouble. It's the nations around the world that are in trouble. So this is what God is doing. This is what he's saying. So the second paragraph says, this is the time where enemies will lose it all.

They will lose their power. They will lose their positions. They will lose their influence. They will lose their narrative. They will lose their control. They will lose their governments. They will lose their globalist agenda. They will lose control over my children and over my church. They will lose their power in the economic system and in the corporate world.

This is the hour and this is the time where evil men, all that holds them in their positions will be pulled down and their plans destroyed. Now, people again would say that is crazy, impossible, and that's not going to happen. Okay, look at Pharaoh. He was in a position of power. He was the one in control, you could say, of the the world.

But he was in control of the mightiest nation at the time. The greatest, most powerful nation in the world in his time. He was the leader of the free world, you would say. And guess what happened to him? He was not able to stay in his power. He was also not able to keep any of the things that he had. He lost everything.

Everything Pharaoh lost it all and God said these are the Pharaohs of today So in this paragraph when he's saying the enemies This is the time when enemies will lose it all and the times past you can say you can see where the enemies lost It all this is not the first time this has ever happened So then he says my children in this hour of power you will see that I am the one true God Stop right there for a minute He was showing the children of Israel when they were in the land of Goshen that he was the one true God This is happening again for us.

He says, you will see and understand that I am still the God that saves, the still a God that delivers, and I still heal. I still will move heaven and earth, you would say, for to protect my children. I'm still a covenant keeping God and my covenant I will not break. So God is going to keep the blood covenant that he has with us.

That he's our protector, that he's our deliverer, that he's our provider, that he's our advocate, that he's our standby, that he's our comforter, that he's everything that we needed him to be. He said, My children, the power your enemies think they have is nothing compared to me. So receive my power. Receive what I have for you in this hour.

Receive your healing. Receive me in a greater way. Receive your freedoms. Receive your deliverance because I am in control. How many times does God have to remind us that he is in control? God is in control. It's not our enemies. God is in control. Then he says I am moving to bring the wicked down in ways that are Unconventional in ways no one thought was possible in ways No one would dream up think of the Red Sea my children and think much bigger than that So when God's people were caught by the Red Sea, they thought that God had forsaken them.

They were trapped There was no way out I would say the Red Sea was very unconventional. No one before that particular time period had ever seen waters moving that way, where they were separated, where guys, people could walk through it on dry ground. That had never happened before. I would say that's unconventional.

I would say that's out of the ordinary. And that's extraordinary, and that's the power of God showing his people, nothing can stop him from delivering his people out of the control of the hands of the enemy. That was God showing his power. All right. And then it says. I am a big God and he had me put that in bold.

I am a big God. So don't put limitations on me to save you this day, this month, or even this year or next. Nothing will stop what is about to take place because I have told you, my children, no one can stop me. Say it. The Lord. No one can stop. God. Remember what we say every day. What do we say every day?

God wins. No one can stop God. Something significant is about to be seen in the Mediterranean Sea. God has mentioned the Mediterranean Sea I don't even know how many times. He's mentioned it a lot. And then he talks about, he says then watch the Caspian Sea Something unusual will take place there. So, Mediterranean Sea and the Caspian Sea.

Then he goes on and talks about the Atlantic Ocean. Now again, he's talked about watching the waters, he's mentioned many bodies of water over and over and over again. So something significant is also going to be seen. Now he says, watch the Atlantic Ocean. He's mentioned the Atlantic Ocean a lot. I have told you time and time again, a storm is brewing.

Now, people sit there and they think, they see the Atlantic Ocean and they think, okay, there's going to be like a big hurricane. There's going to be like a Nor'easter. Look at what he said though. I've told you time and time again, a storm is brewing. This is not just any storm or a natural one, but one that will take down the evil that holds you.

Continue to watch the waters and you will know it as soon as you see it. So people think a storm is brewing and they hear the Atlantic ocean, they're automatically going to think of something natural. He said, wait, the storm is brewing. That is brewing on the Atlantic ocean is not a natural one. And we're going to figure it out.

Once we see it, we're going to know it. He said, continue to watch the waters. He's given that phrase more and more and more. I don't know how many times he's given it, but he's talked a lot about the waters. He's mentioned also a lot about submarines. We've seen a lot of submarines in the news. God is talking about the waters time and time again.

Something is happening in the waters in the Atlantic Ocean. Now he says, this is in bold also, A major shakeup has begun in your Pentagon. He's talked about the Pentagon several times. There's a reason for it. Who says a major shakeup has begun in your Pentagon. Oh, United States Whistleblowers are about to come forward with truth and proof that Many in your Pentagon have sold you out Gave highly classified and secretive information and gave it to your enemies for their globalist agenda I told you many generals would be exposed and that day is drawing near Nothing will stop the evidence that is coming out regarding your Pentagon Supreme Court, FBI, CIA, NSA, and many in your House of Representatives, many in your Senate, what is about to take place in your so called White House, people will say, is unprecedented.

That's a big paragraph. He talks about a shakeup of the Pentagon, and he talks about all the exposures of all of the highly, the intelligence. And the secrets, the classified information that's been given out to the globalists, for the globalist agenda has been given to our, our, our enemies. And he says he's going to expose some generals.

He says that he's going to expose, of course, the Pentagon, the Supreme Court, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and many of the House of Representatives and the Senate. And then he goes on and talks about, more about the so called White House. He mentions that, he talks about that a lot, he says the so called.

Because remember he said it's a house that's white, but it's actually red. But he says, what is about to take place in your so called White House, people will say is unprecedented. So something that's gonna happen in the White House that's gonna be unprecedented, it's gonna be out of the ordinary. He doesn't say what it is, I have no idea.

But he'll let us know. All right, then he says your enemy's house of cards is failing and falling and they know it. So our enemies know that they are losing. They know that their plans are not going that way, the way they wanted them to go. He says their time is running out. So hold on. Things will intensify in the coming days and months.

But my children, this is, this is for your freedom from all of this corruption. So again, he's saying their house of cards is failing and it's falling. Their time is running out. Things are going to intensify. That means things are going to get a little bit more abnormal and a little bit more uncomfortable, but he says it's for your freedom from all of this corruption.

Then he says, an unusual earthquake will take place in Indonesia. And I know there's people that watch from Indonesia. Don't be afraid. Remember, God is separating you. He's protecting you. You can pray over your family, pray over your dwelling, pray over everything you have, put the blood of Jesus over it.

God is protecting you. He says an unusual earthquake will take place in Indonesia. Now what does it mean by unusual? I don't know. Then he mentions Bali will also be in your news for a significant reason. And then he says Austra, this word will be in your news for a surprising reason. Then he goes down and he mentions Brazil will be in your news for a significant reason.

And then another government is about to collapse that will get the world's attention. There's been governments that has collapsed in this last year or two. And God is saying another one is going to fall. Now this paragraph is talking about the unusual weather, unusual weather. They will keep saying all over your news because unusual times you are living in.

This is a, this, this is to get people's attention and wake people up. Many will be asking what in the world is going on. And my children, this is the time for me to show you that I have spoken these words before it took place. Let your faith arise and your enemies be scattered in this hour. So again, no matter what happens with the unusual weather, God is saying, have faith and trust in me.

That he is separating you, that he is protecting you from no matter what happens. Then he says, something significant will happen in Las Vegas. That will get the world's attention. And then he, he goes on, this is several different things. He mentions, there's a lot here about New York city. A lot. This is the most descriptive he's gotten ever about one area, I think, and especially in one prophecy.

So he says, keep your eyes on New York city. A shaking has begun for an awakening that your enemies cannot stop. An uprising has started and more people will see the truth of who is really against them. And it's not who the news says it is. So we all know that the narrative of the lame or mainstream media is being destroyed.

People do not believe them. They're losing their narrative. They're losing their control of the masses. By their scripted words that they're given, how the Lord had said it. Governor Holkel, which she is the governor of New York, and he says, and the mayor of New York city will take hits one right after another.

A cry for their removals will be seen and heard the cry of New York city for freedom is getting louder and louder. And then he goes on and continues and talks about New York city. He says, watch New York City, what they do against you once again. Now he's talking about the government, he's talking about the mayor, he's talking about the government, and what they're going to do against New York City.

He says, watch New York City, what they're going to do against you. Again, they're not done causing damage and destruction in that city. He says, where you think your crime filled streets couldn't get any worse, Well, I will tell you they have more damage and more oppression and more crimes planned for your city.

Wake up now and fight back. And I will be with you wake up to me and you will see a great victory and a cleansing and a healing in your city sayeth the Lord. Now when he's talking about fighting back, what does he mean by that? He means fighting back spiritually, fighting back with the word of God, fighting back with truth because the enemy has nothing in their arsenal that can stop the power of the word of God.

That's why it's so important to speak. The word of God. So if you live in New York City or live near New York City and you hear what the God, what the enemies of almighty God are going to do to your city continually, it's going to get worse. God is saying, fight back, fight back with the truth, fight back with the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

Fight back with God. Have God on your side. Don't fight back naturally because you're not going to win that fight. You fight with the Word of God. You fight, you cannot win a spiritual battle which we are in with natural ability or strength. That's why God says fight back, but fight back with Him. Fight back with God's ability, God's power, and God's authority.

Now, this is also a lot in one paragraph. It talks about the DOJ, the Department of Justice. It says the DOJ is about to be exposed and a major collapse of their narrative will be seen by the world. Tyranny people will shout, obstruction, election interference, liars, and murderers. That's what people are going to say regarding the DOJ or the Department of Justice in this nation.

Then he says, I told you, my children, Merrick Garland has a lot to answer for, and he will not get away with what he has done to my nation. Whistleblowers are coming forward, word coming forward with proof of all that he has, has done against this nation. He has been caught red handed and doesn't even know it, that I have had people that have infiltrated the DOJ to get all the proof I needed to bring them down once and for all.

Remember, God says over and over. That he has infiltrated our infiltrators, and this is how he's done it, and he's infiltrated because he knows he's Alpha Omega, he's beginning of the end, he knows exactly what he was going to do, and he knew exactly who we needed to put in place, and he knew exactly who the enemies were going to believe, that were on their side when they weren't.

God is smarter than our enemies, and our enemies cannot outsmart God. Then he says, more will not be seeking re election in your government, O United States. Now, Guy's been talking about people not seeking re election for a long time, and that's happening. A lot. There's a lot of people in our House of Representatives that are not seeking re election.

That's prophecy fulfilled. And there's people in the Senate that are not going to seek re election. I don't know how many there are, but there are. It's starting to happen. Now he's saying even more will not seek re election. And remember when he said they're not seeking re election, it's not because they want to, it's they're being forced to step down.

Even though they say they're going to retire, and it's on their own decision, it's not. They're being forced out. We're already seeing prophecies being fulfilled regarding this very same thing right now. And God's saying more people. So before the 2024 election, you're going to see people, more people not seek their seat again for the next term.

Then he says because now reason why they're not gonna be seeking reelection, he says, the great cleanup has begun of removing dirty politicians from your capital and places of power. So again, God is the one who takes down one and lifts up another Psalm 75 in verse seven. This is the hour of my power and the world's about to experience my glory like never before.

This is a time where you have been waiting for everything is beginning to shake and soon great change will take place. Hold on my children. It's about to shake like never before and great celebrations will take place for your freedoms. Sayeth the Lord of hosts. So as we can see, no matter what takes place, no matter what they try to do, God is in between us and the enemies of almighty God.

He is standing in between. He is going to guard us. He's going to protect us. And he says, again, he is greatly distinguishing us from the world. So no matter what happens in this world, no matter what judgments come, no matter how unusual things become, no matter how things become shaking. And intensifying and that shaking, God is saying, don't you worry about it because he is protecting us just like he did in the land of Goshen.

Things are coming and things are going to come. Fast and even faster now than they have come before that's why they think again things are intensifying That means no matter how quick they were before they're gonna make home even quicker now and before I pray I just want to encourage you once again.

Do not fear any of it. God is absolutely good Why would he warn us? For us just to be partakers of it anyway, God is warning us to protect us. Just like he did in the land of Goshen before the angel of death came. He told him this was going to happen. He warned him of it and then he gave him the instructions in order not to be partakers of it.

He said you do this and then it didn't happen to them and they were protected by Almighty God. This is a time where God is going to do that, but even greater degree. And so we should not be afraid of anything that begins to take place. The enemy is going to want you to be afraid. He's going to want you to get overwhelmed.

He's going to want you to get discouraged. He's going to want you to get frustrated. He's going to want you to believe that nothing's going to change. That's what he wants. And God is telling for you and I today to have our faith arise and our enemies be scattered. Now, I want to pray over you. Heavenly Father right now in Jesus name, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice.

And I thank you father god that they are fully awakened I thank you father god right now that they're shaking everything that's holding them back. That's holding them down They're shaking it off right now in the name of jesus Because I thank you father god that you win and you are in the inside of us you father god I thank you are giving us this truth.

You are giving us these warnings You are giving us this insight and revelation knowledge about what is to come and we thank you father god that we are Separated that we are in this world, but we are not partakers of what's going to happen in this world We're not partakers of the things that are about to be seen father god to shake this world And so we thank you father god that right now your glory and this is your hour of power To show yourself strong on your children's behalf to show them that you are a big god That you are the most high god that you are the creator of heaven and earth that you are the one Who is on their side.

And I thank you, Father God, no weapon formed against your people shall prosper. So no matter what the enemies have designed against us, we will not partake of it. We thank you, Father God, that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. And every tongue that rides against us, we shall condemn now in Jesus name.

We call down every plot plan and scheme of the enemy that fall down with the walls of Jericho. We thank you, Father God, just like you said in this prophetic word that the house of cards of the enemies are failing and they're falling. So we're calling them down. We're calling confusion in the enemy's camps.

We're thanking you, Father God, that you are cutting their, their communication. And so just like the tower of Babel, they are being confused and they cannot communicate with each other. Like they were before. We thank you, Father God, for this new year that we are about to be partaking in the year of 2024 is the year we've been waiting for.

2024 is a year of more. It's a year of more glory. It's a year more of you, Father God, more revelation, more. And I thank you, Heavenly Father, for protecting us. I thank you, Father God, for giving us everything we need when we need it. You are the God who's absolutely good, but you are a God who is more than enough.

And we thank you, Father God, that you, that we will not lack anything because you are on our side. We thank you, Father God, that we will not be partakers of anything that goes down in this earth because you are on our side. And so we thank you, Father God, the joy that you're bringing your people right now.

The joy, the joy of the Lord is their strength. And I thank you, Father God, the joy and the power of that joy reigns in and through your people now that they are partakers of it to receive your strength. And receive your peace in this very day and I thank you father god for it in jesus name Amen, and amen and before I go today.

I want to say Happy new year to each and every one of you all from all of us at jgmi We love you, and we can't wait to see what God is going to do for you and your family in the new year. Remember, 2024 is a year that we have been waiting for. So all the things, write them down, all the things that you are expecting God, you've been praying, you've been leaving God for God to do in your life, and you re See that God is doing it for you and all of his goodness.

This is his hour of power and that you are going to experience his glory and his love upon you. Like you have never felt before. Receive it because this is going to be a year. There are going to be a lot of things that are going to look like they're bad, but there's going to be, there's so many good that are going to outweigh the bad and destroy it all.

And so again, receive what God is doing in your life today because 2024. Is the year of more is the year of more what miracle signs and wonders more of god's goodness more of god's revelation More of god pouring out his power upon each and every one of us his light is going to shine through us That's going to destroy the darkness That is in the world today.

So again, Happy New Year and we love you and I hope this encouraged each and every one of you today. I'll be back on again Tuesday, January 2nd. I'll not be on January 1st to give all of us here at JGMI the day off. So I wanted to give all the social media team and everybody off for the new year. So you'll see me again on Tuesday, January 2nd.

So, God loves you, I love you, Happy New Year, and have a wonderful day.


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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International
1. 2. Cor 2:14 (God causes triumph)
2. 2 Cor. 4:18 (Things seen are temporary)
3. Heb. 12:26-27 (everything that can be shaken will be)
4. Ps. 103:17-18 (God is a covenant-keeping God)
5. Heb. 6:13-20 (God keeps His oath & promises)
6. Ex. 14:21-29 (the Red Sea)
7. Deut. 28:7; Ps. 68:1-6; Isa. 41:12 (enemies be scattered)
8. Ps. 75:7 (God is the judge)
9. Matt. 19:26; Luke 1:37 (w/ God nothing is impossible)
10. Jer. 1:12; Heb. 10:23 (He is faithful to perform His Word)
11. John 8:32 (Truth sets you free)
12. Haggai 2:9 (The latter is greater than the former)
13. Ex. 7:3-5
14. Ex. 8:23
15. Ex. 9:1-6, 24-26
16. John 8:36 (Whom the son sets free)
17. Ex. 10:21-23

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