Buddha Statue FOUND In Ancient Egypt! Dr. Joseph A.P. Wilson on MythVision 1-18-2024

8 months ago

Buddha Statue FOUND In Ancient Egypt! Dr. Joseph A.P. Wilson on MythVision 1-18-2024
8,345 views January 18, 2024
MythVision Podcast
We are joined by Dr. Joseph A.P. Wilson to discuss the recent find in Egypt of the Buddha. Being an expert in these topics, we will discuss this discovery and its implications.
See this article on the topic. https://www.biblicalarchaeology.org/d...
Links for Dr. Joseph AP WIlson Here is his faculty webpage for Sacred Heart University: https://www.sacredheart.edu/phonebook...
His ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/... His Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?...
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The ENTIRE Genesis Mythology From The Bible| Best MythVision Genesis Documentary
January 17, 2024
MythVision Podcast
The Greatest Problem among Academics is that they are extremely compartmentalized and are seldom willing to look outside of their selected Field of Study to find answers to their questions. Biblical Scholars are perhaps the most notorious for their rigid adherence to this practice. This represents a Major Shortcoming on the part of Researchers and Scholars.
We now know without a doubt that ideals and Religious Beliefs and Practices of different cultures had far more influence and intermixing in the Ancient World than was ever previously admitted to by Scholars. For the People's of the Ancient World did not live in a vacuum, but travelled, interacted and exchanged ideas on a regular basis.
It has only been in more recent decades that many Scholars have been willing to accept and admit that there is a well established connection between the Old Testament and the Mesopotamian Traditions. But far fewer have been willing to look beyond to the influence of the Greek or even Egyptian Traditions and Beliefs. Once again, this is a fatal flaw and extremely unrealistic.
Alexander the Great and Greek Culture had an ENORMOUS INFLUENCE on the Foundations of Hebrew Religion and the Old Testament. The True Extent will SHOCK YOU...
For instance. Did you know there was a Greek version of Noah who had 3 sons? Did you know that depictions of Dionysus have been found in Ancient Israel?
Traditionally there has been much argument about where a belief was first established and who stole from who's Tradition. But in all likelihood in many cases, many of these Traditions were probably established simultaneously, each drawing from the Traditions of their neighboring lands.
The Bible is a very touchy subject. But just about Any serious student or scholar will be willing to admit that there is much that remains confusing, unclear or incomplete. But when you take a deeper look at the Ancient World as a whole, suddenly the mysterious and unknown can be made to become much more clear.
The following Documentary by MythVission is extremely fascinating and VERY WELL RESEARCHED. If you have the patience to listen through this huge video and are able to keep an open mind, I think you will find it extremely enlightening. At over 11 hours it is in fact too big for me to download at this time. But I highly recommend that you click the link below and watch it a little bit at a time.
@OratorBlog 1-18-2023
The ENTIRE Genesis Mythology From The Bible| Best MythVision Genesis Documentary
January 17, 2024
MythVision Podcast
In an awe-inspiring journey through time, this groundbreaking documentary embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the Book of Genesis, unveiling its profound connections to the ancient mythologies of Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece. From the majestic narrative of creation to the enigmatic Garden of Eden, every story and character is meticulously analyzed, revealing striking parallels with age-old legends. The film delves into the gripping tales of Cain and Abel, the celestial saga of the Sons of God mingling with mortal women, and the universal deluge of Noah's Flood, drawing fascinating comparisons with ancient flood myths worldwide. It ascends the mystical Tower of Babel, tracing its roots in global mythologies, and navigates through the complex lineage of Abraham, including the riveting stories of Jacob, Esau, and Joseph's odyssey in Egypt.
00:00:00 - Intro
00:01:06 - True Origins of Genesis Creation 01:08:47 - True origins of Adam & Eve
01:27:53 - True origins of Cain & Abel
01:58:30 - True origins of Noah’s Ark & Flood 02:44:50 - True origins of Noah's curse 03:26:34 - Greek origins of Genesis
04:16:58 - Nephilim, Giants, Noah's flood & Plato's Atlantis
05:06:58 - True Origins of Nimrod
05:44:49 - Hellenistic Origins of tower of Babel 06:31:14 - Origins of Abraham
07:48:40 - Origins of Israel/Jacob
08:42:34 - Origins of Joseph in Genesis

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