Ready for Brain Transparency? Neurotechnology - The Battle for Your Brain

8 months ago

Are you ready for forced Brain Transparency? Under the guise of safety and productivity the World Economic Forum (WEF) is planning to decode our brain activity using A.I. powered consumable wearable devices.

"It's going to make you see the future and understand an wonderful future where we can use brain waves to fight crime, be more productive and find love."

The battle for your brain and the WEF's plans to punish our thoughts sounds like science fiction or a bad James Bond movie but it's really truly what they're planning for all of us in the very near future unless there is an awakening as one.

Nicholas Thompson
Chief Executive Officer, The Atlantic
Nita A. Farahany
Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law and Philosophy; Director, Duke Science and Society, Duke University

World Economic Forum
Creative Commons

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