Kim Jong-un Brands South Korea Primary Foe and Rules Out Unity, Threatens a War Can Break Out

1 year ago

01/16/2024 WION: North Korean leader Kim Jong-un delivered a fiery policy speech, where he declared unification with South Korea as impossible and urged a constitutional change designating the South as the principal enemy. Accusing South Korea and the United States of preparing for an invasion, he emphasized the possibility of war on the Korean peninsula. Analysts believe that by classifying the South as its biggest adversary the North could be attempting to justify the use of nuclear weapons in any future war.
01/16/2024 世界一体新闻台:朝鲜领导人金正恩发表了一场言辞激烈的政策演讲,宣称与韩国的统一不再可能,并敦促修改宪法,将韩国列为首要敌人。他指责韩国和美国正在为入侵朝鲜做准备,并强调了朝鲜半岛爆发战争的可能性。分析人士认为,朝鲜将韩国定性为主要对手的做法可能是为了在未来冲突中正当化其核武器的使用。

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