“The World Economic Forum can shove their Global Pandemic Agreement up someone else’s country

1 year ago

Carl Higbie · “The World economic forum can shove their global pandemic agreement up someone else’s country… I’m not doing that again” 👇

Article: Newsmax Host Narrowly Avoids Censors In Epic Monologue Against The People Destroying Your Life

WEF members are currently in the thick of their annual summit for world domination in Davos, Switzerland, where they’ll decide what fresh Hell to unleash on the global populace next. Contenders for the next nightmare include total digital censorship, another deadly pandemic, possibly social credit via digital currencies, and definitely more taxes against the middle class and poor.

But Higbie is having none of it, and neither should you. “Well the unelected Bond villains are back at Davos for their fearless, non-accomplished leader Klaus Schwab at the helm, once again trying to rule the world,” he began. “This is the greatest cabal of unelected, self-absorbed elites, stroking each other’s egos, proposing non-binding global theories that nobody asked for.”

full article: https://dailycaller.com/2024/01/18/newsmax-frontline-carl-higbie-world-economic-forum-monologue-unelected-bond-villains-davos-summit-world-domination/


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