Alzheimer's is Type 3 Diabetes? - What To Do (2024)

11 months ago

Alzheimer's Disease is Type 3 Diabetes?
Why? Because Type 2 Diabetics tend to get Alzheimer's Disease.

Similarly, The problems stem from too much sugar which may lead to
Insulin Resistance. Insulin is required for the brain to protect Neurons.
Also (Regulates Neurotransmitters & Synaptic Plasticity for Learning)

Eventually, over time, the Glucose receptors in the brain cannot pass Glucose through
the Blood-Brain Barrier, thus your brain cannot get the energy it needs to function.

How is this related to Type 2 Diabetes? In the same way diabetics get Neuropathy,
in which there is Nerve damage to the hands, fingers, toes, and feet, the same
may be occurring in the Brain, especially to the GLUT 4 Glucose Transporter.

Insulin Resistance affects the Glucose transporters, your body has gotten so
much sugar over the years that Insulin needs a break as sugar with a high
A1C over 5.7 can cause Glycation, thus oxidizing and creating inflammation in the body.

What can be done if Insulin's Function has been impaired?

1. Classic Ketogenic Diet - High in Saturated Fat / Monosaturated Fat, Good in Protein,
and Very Low to 0 Carbs. Used in the 1920s to help people with Epilepsy and Neurological Issues.
1.1 Ketones (BHB) become the new Source for the Brain's energy because it BYPASSES the Blood-Brain Barrier!
1.2 The high-fat diet helps build the Myelin Sheath which PROTECTS your nerves.

2. B1 Supplementation - Thiamine HCL or Benfotiamine has been shown to help Nerve & Energy Production

3. B3 Supplementation - Low Dose Nicotinic Acid has been shown to be protective & helps Energy Production

4. MCT Oil - Quick energy for Ketone BHB production.

5. Remove Seed Oils - Oxidized Polyunsaturated Oils like Canola, Vegetable Oil, etc
have been shown to not help people with Alzheimer's. Very Inflammatory. AVOID!

6. No Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)- It is a Neurotoxic and Neuroexcitatory chemical
which may kill Neurons in the Brain. AVOID!

Talk with your Doctor talk to your Registered Dietician, I am not either of them, I am just a
Nutrition Researcher and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner making videos.
- If your Dr or RD does not want to help, find 1 that will. Share to help your Parents and Grandparents!
(Look for Hal Cranmer)(A Paradise for Parents) Assisted-living care to help old people with Alzheimer's!

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