Rogue State—From Republic to Empire

11 months ago

Upon leaving the Constitutional Convention of 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked about the kind of government created by him and the other delegates. His response was, “A republic, if you can keep it.”

If Franklin were alive today he would say that the American People had failed. What initially started out as a bold experiment in liberty has transformed into an empire engaged in a “Forever War,” led by the very type of elites the War of Independence was waged to overthrow.

Our guest, Professor Salim Mansur, has described the United States of 2024 as a “rogue state” and the most dangerous enemy of freedom based on individual rights.

Salim puts the start of the Republic’s fall in 1912 with the election of Democrat Woodrow Wilson. It was under Wilson that the 17th Amendment to the Constitution had US Senators elected by the People rather than by the legislatures of the states they were supposed to represent, altering a key aspect of the Republican nature of the country. This change made the Senators no different than the elected members of the House of Representatives.

Adding to Wilson's ignominious administrative term was the signing of the Federal Reserve Act and the 16th Amendment, which allowed for a federal income tax. No longer did the federal government require the financial backing and consent of the States to wage war. Upon his reelection in 1916 and with these new tools at his disposal, Wilson quickly entered into the Great War already waging in Europe.

If one were to bracket the fall of the Republic at one end with Wilson’s Administration, on this end of history the other bracket would be the installation of the Usurper Joe Biden, installed into the position of President during a ceremony attended not by the American People, but by a select group of elites in a Capital surrounded by razor wire and 25,000 armed guardsmen.

There could be no greater nor obvious symbolism than that spectacle to demonstrate that Franklin's Republic has fallen and that a New World Order headed by an American Empire has begun.

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