USA & Russia true story

1 year ago

Looks like the corrupt American Government acted like a insurance agent \ adjustor or lawyer. Giving Russia the knife in the back after making a deal.

Banks, institutions, brokerages, regulators, doctors, veterinarians, weather person, news , Hollywood, your job all lie to you and stab u in your back whenever possible making sure u have less and less they have more and more and u have no power to do anything. This is the principles of North American society.

I worked with a guy who's wife was a bank executive in Toronto. Wont say what bank. At a staff meeting the regional director said bleed the customers dry. Take every penny. Not joking.

Money is taken from the working class and its stolen and given to the rich. Fact.

Farmers make pennies on-the dollar but Loblaws makes billions.

Manufacturing workers make nothing
The dealer gets 10-20k
But the Vangaurd and Blackrock who owns all automotive all Manufacturers make a killing

When honda was making the civic long ago it was under 6k to make it . Workers made in the $20 s . One was made ever 3 minutes cost was $21 000. Then Government took their tax share 3k or something.

IPhone 6 was $128 all costs included. Store price 875. This is also Vangaurd Blackrock.

Think a farmer gets like 2.50 a chicken . Maple leaf the corrupt douche bags sell it for $16. Not sure store price. That was our price.

You can go down the board for this . Workers get screwed.

Ppl that play golf ,go to conferences, exotic retreats, the ones having meetings constantly make money doing nothing. They take your money

That attitude of taking things and screwing others is not very good. We need to break this cycle.

I think that is beginning to happen

Fuck the WEF and everyone in it

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