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Prophet Julie Green - Live with Julie - Great Judgments Are About to Hit Many Nations - Captions
In this gripping video, we delve into a powerful prophetic message from God, declaring that a time of great judgments and significant changes is approaching nations worldwide. The prophecy says that a series of events will not only shake the United States but will also reverberate through all nations, capturing the attention of the entire world. The message speaks of a departure from what has been considered "normal," promising a revelation of true freedom, justice, and an economic system designed to bless and prosper without manipulation by the ruling elites.
The prophecy indicates a shift toward a gold and silver standard and a breaking free from economic tyranny. It speaks of a complete restoration in various aspects of life, including health, freedom, and leadership. The message also includes a stark warning to the nation of Iran, suggesting that it will experience biblical-type plagues, especially if it stands against Israel or the United States.
China is forewarned of unusual natural disasters and economic turmoil, with an emphasis on a looming "great fall." Canada is told to anticipate great secrets and exposures, particularly regarding Prime Minister Trudeau, suggesting a political upheaval and the rise of new leaders.
The prophecy continues with mentions of France, where an uprising and government overthrow are predicted, and Africa, where a revival is said to be breaking out. The United States is encouraged to brace for hardships that will ultimately fail against a growing national strength and a great awakening set to continue into 2024.
The message also foresees a downfall of certain monuments, extreme weather on the East Coast, and a major shake-up in the mainstream news media, calling out networks like NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, and MSNBC for spreading lies and suppressing the truth.
Lastly, the term "Psyops" is highlighted as something that will become significant in the news, and the prophecy concludes with an assurance of impending joy, freedom, and justice, as a divine deliverance is promised.
Join us as we explore this profound message of hope, warning, and the anticipation of divine intervention in worldly affairs. Whether you are a believer in prophecy or simply curious about future events, this video promises to provide a thought-provoking perspective on what may lie ahead for nations around the globe.
Full Video Transcript:
Good morning, everybody. Today is Thursday, December 28th of 2023, and I want to thank you for joining today's live show. This is a day that the Lord has made, and we will rejoice to be glad in it. And again, I just love seeing God wins because He does, He wants to remind us every day that He is in control, that He is undefeated, and that nothing, that anything that's going on in the world today is bigger than our God.
And there's nothing that's impossible for our God to overturn, our God to fix or change, because God is a God whom nothing is impossible. Because He is. El Shaddai. So I just want to remind each and every one of you, and that same God, that God that's bigger than anything, is living on the inside of you. So if you are discouraged today, and if you are just really feeling, a lot of people have been feeling very discouraged, very frustrated.
That is a lie from the pit of hell. The enemy is a liar. He's a loser. And remind him of that. Shake those things off that are trying to hold you back and to hold you down. Because the greater one lives on the inside of you. He's doing so many things around the world today. And he's also doing things for each and every one of us.
Because we are on his heart. He loves us, and that's the reason why he has each and every one of us here for such a time as this. So again, Be the point where you are looking up, you're looking only at God, and realizing that He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and He is on your side. So I want to share another prophecy with you this morning.
I actually heard it early this morning. While I was studying getting ready for today's live show and it's called great judgments are about to hit many nations around the world. Again, this is called great judgments are about to hit many nations around the world. And of course the Lord has given me scriptures that I'm going to go over.
With you, today Before I get to that, of course, if you do have any prayer requests or praise reports Please go to our website at jgminternational. org under our contact page Or you can write us at julie green ministries international 4620 east 53rd street suite 200 downport, iowa 5 2 8 0 7 We've been getting so many praise reports and I actually started reading some over yesterday morning and it is a blessing.
So we love To hear from each and every one of you. And I know on last Fridays the Lord had me pray for salvation for many people. So if that was you, I want you guys to write us in and let. Let us know if you are a new creation in Christ Jesus, and you are now our brother and sister is in Christ.
We would like to hear from you, and like to see and to hear what God is doing in your life today. Of course, I do read them, and it is such a blessing to hear from all of you, so. Also, if you do want any Julie Green Mysteries merchandise and there's still cups. So I'm so excited to tell you that I was told by Three Sun Threads there is still cups and of course all the brand new merchandise and there is more to come in January.
So if you want to check that out, it's three sun That's the only place where you can. Any type of Julie Greene Ministries merchandise. Again, that is 3sunsthreads. com. And I have to say, I don't even know what my favorite is right now, but I love that Firm Focus Foundation on the Father shirt.
I just absolutely love that shirt and and God's Army. I love them all. I do love them all. And of course, America Needs God, the A& G shirts. So I was very impressed when I saw these. I was so excited about it. So get those things today. And we do apologize. I, they just, you know, couldn't get before, before Christmas, but it's still a great, a great thing to have.
And it's a great talking point when you're going into stores and people are going, where did you get that shirt? So and of course it gets people talking. So again, if you want any of that merchandise, go to threesundthreads. com all right. That is all the announcements I have for today except for if you want to see us Any of us at jgmi if you want to see us in an event, we will be in grand ridge florida next month I'm looking forward to that.
I'm hoping I can see Some of you there With Brother Timothy Dixon, Amanda Grace, Manuel Johnson, and many others. No Candy Christmas, Jasmine Brady. And I am just looking forward to all my friends being there. And of course, all of you. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Alright, that's all the announcements.
Now, okay, so today, again, this prophetic word I heard this morning. So, it's called, Great Judgments are about to hit many nations. Around the world says, for I, the Lord, this day, I'm telling my children, something significant is about to take place. Something that will not only shake the United States, but it will shake all the nations and it will get the world's attention.
Something extraordinary out of the ordinary,
a normal will be forgotten because it was not normal at all. I will show you my children. What my normal for you really is. I will show you a true freedom, a true justice system, a true economic system. One meant to bless, one meant to prosper, one meant to bless and prosper. This economy will not be manipulated by man.
Gold will be the standard and silver will be even greater than that. Priceless. Some would say. I will show you how gold and silver were suppressed and how it was manipulated by the world's economy and by the ruling elites. For the infinite spending sprees and in any way to enslave the citizens of their nations.
I am breaking you free from that type of tyranny.
My children get ready for restoration of everything and not just your president. Or freedoms financially, but a freedom in your mind, you have never known a freedom in your bodies that you have never known. I will say again, all the damage that has been done to your bodies will be undone and it will be annihilated.
Like it was never there. You say impossible. Well, it's not for me. Look at my people in Goshen. I did that for them. So why would I not do that for you? I'm the same God. Get ready and accept freedom in every area of your life, saith the Lord.
Watch the nation of Iran. Biblical type plagues will occur in that land. Anyone against my nation of Israel, or my United States, will know that I am against them, and I am greater than any power they think they have.
Great judgments will hit many nations around the world. My children do not fear this. It's not for you, but for the ones who rule over you.
China will get struck again and again with unusual things, earthquakes, and weather. Watch what is about to happen to their economy. China, you are being judged. Do not touch my United States. Do not touch my Israel. Everything that you have tried to do, it will be done back unto you. China, your time is coming of your great fall.
A great shaking is coming to the nation of Canada. I told you, my children, great secrets, great exposures regarding Trudeau and all who are with him and all who they are connected to. They will all be brought down. There is hope for you, Canada. I will bring great leaders, ones that are on my side. And ones that will stand for freedom and truth.
Unusual things will take place in your land that will show you this is true. Whistleblowers are coming to show the truth, and freedom is coming, Canada. So do not give up now. Your nation is about to change, big time.
France is about to be in your news more and more. They can't suppress us anymore. Any, an uprising is taking place. An overthrow of that government is about to be seen. Freedom is coming to many nations around the world.
Africa, revival is breaking out in your land. And this time like no other time. And what has been suppressing you will no longer be able to keep you. From a freedom that I have for you.
Oh, United States, brace for what is coming. Brace for the hardships that they will say and they will try to do to you. But, it will not work. As my nation is alive. And my nation is growing stronger by the day. A great awakening has occurred. And now in 2024, more will awaken from the sleep of deception. And they, too, will fight back and stand up against this evil regime.
A uniting has begun that no man can stop.
Watch monuments in your nation. They will fall. Monuments you thought stood for freedom when they stood for slavery and deceit. A symbolism of evil you didn't see before.
Watch the East Coast and the weather that will take place. Watch and listen for what they say, biblical, because I am showing you my children once again. I am giving you the news before the news, and also showing you I am in control, not the ones who are against you.
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC. I see all of you. I hear all of you, and what you've been telling my nation, and the lies you've spread, and the truth you have suppressed. Judgment is coming to all who refuse to tell the truth. You thought by hiding the truth it would save your job and profit you even more than you ever thought.
The time has come for your removals, and truth to be told. And the jobs you gave your soul to keep, you will be removed from. A great shaking is coming to the news media in the United States. You will no longer control the narrative of my nation, saith the Lord.
Psyops, this word will be in your news for a significant reason.
My children, change is coming, change like this you have never known. So hold on, many changes are coming to bring you a restoration. I have always intended for you to have. Joy is coming. Freedom is coming. Justice is coming because I am coming to deliver you out of it all. Stay at the Lord your redeemer.
Now, before I go back over this prophetic word. There was one thing that the Lord was showing, well, many things, but one of the things that stood out, what I was hearing this prophetic word was about when God said that He was going to undo everything that has been done to our bodies. I immediately heard like people mocking or saying that's impossible or they, it was just too good to be true and they could not believe that this could be done for them.
And God is showing us that this not only can be done, but he is going to do that. He sees exactly what all this has been done to our air. To our food, to our crops, to our land, all these different things that have been going on. How we have been poisoned many ways, more than just one way. He's been seeing the oppression.
He's been seeing the diseases they've been causing. The viruses they've been causing. The affliction, the pain. All the things that these people have been doing to God's people. He's showing you that He knows this. Similar things took place in the land of Goshen in Egypt. While God's people were enslaved by the Egyptians, they destroyed their physical body.
They destroyed their minds with oppression because of the oppression that was going over them. There was so much that there was being done to God's people in their mind and their physical bodies, and of course, many deaths occurred. Because of the bondage that these people were in. Not only, again, did God see those taskmasters, God saw the oppressors, God saw what was being done to His people.
And it says in Exodus chapter 3, that not only did He see them, but He heard the cries of His people. And He had a plan to deliver. Them out of the hands of egyptians by his strong and mighty hand god was bringing his people out From that oppression. He was bringing them out from that sickness and disease He was bringing them out from that slavery.
He was bringing them out from that depression That was in their minds in a slave mentality That once that was their normal They didn't know anything other than to be a slave of the egyptians They didn't know of freedom. They had no idea what God's plan and God's life truly was for them. This was just their life.
This is just what they knew, and they accepted it to be normal. Well, God also said, in this prophetic word, that there was a normal That's not normal at all. We have lived in this world for a very long time. We have lived on our type of slavery, on our type of bondage and type of oppression. We didn't even know we thought this was normal.
And he's showing us this is not normal at all. This is not what he had for you and I, just like what he was saying to his people in the land of Goshen in the time of enslavement when they were in Egypt. He was saying this to them and he gave them the mouth of Moses, the prophet at the time he was saying, Hey, I am sending you to give a good news and report to my people.
So they once again, we'll get up, they will stand up. They will believe and look to their deliverer. They will believe and look to the great I am, to the one that has created the heaven and earth, the one that's created them. Not for that bondage and slavery, but he wanted to show them how big he was, how great he was, and how much he loved them.
At the same time, he was showing their enemies how big he was, and how none of the gods that they served were bigger than him. He wanted me to show something. I, one time when I was studying, this was quite some time ago, I was in the book of Deuteronomy. So go to Deuteronomy chapter seven. And this sparked my interest and I kept having to read it over and over because it was getting my attention with this scripture.
And I had been around the Bible all my life. And for some reason it was just like, I've never even, I knew I've read this scripture before, but I didn't read it like this. It didn't become a revelation like it did in the past. So Deuteronomy chapter 7 and I have this mark. I'm gonna read the classic amplified version of this these scriptures in Deuteronomy chapter 7 and I have a lot of this underlined in my Bible Of course, you can see like I have a lot of highlights and underlines because this is something that was very Significant a lot of people may not have that revelation of so Deuteronomy chapter 7 in verse 8 This is where I'm gonna start.
So he's talking about Okay, he's talking about what happened in the land of Egypt with his people. He says in verse eight, but because the Lord loves you and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of bondage.
From the hand of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Why did he deliver them out of the land of Egypt? First of all, he did it because he loved them. That's why he delivered them because he loved them. But also he said, because of the oath that he had sworn to your fathers, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty God's mighty hand.
Now what he swore to our fathers. Now we have not only the Abrahamic covenant, which is the old covenant, but we also have the new covenant. We have the blood covenant of Jesus Christ, and you can see, hold your place in Deuteronomy chapter eight. Okay. I have to give you this. That is in Galatians. Okay, so go to Galatians chapter 3.
Behold your place in Deuteronomy Chapter 8 because there's more revelation that is in that chapter that I have to give to you So Galatians chapter 3 and it says remember in verse 13 that Christ purchased our freedom Redeeming us from the curse of the doom of the law and his condemnation by himself becoming a curse for us For it is written in the scriptures, curses everyone who hangs on a tree is crucified.
So again, God sent his son to purchase us to our freedom, to purchase us for our freedom and redeeming us from the curse, the curse that's in this world. Okay. We have been freed, Christ purchased our freedom. So we are not meant to be enslaved. Okay, then it says in Galatians chapter 3 verse 14 It says to the end that through the receiving Christ Jesus you receive Christ Jesus as your Lord and Savior Then it says the blessing then the blessing promised to Abraham might come upon the Gentiles So that through faith might all receive the revelation of the promise of the holy spirit now what he had promised abraham He's also promising us.
So the abrahamic covenant, okay Has been also promised to us by receiving christ jesus So not only receive the blood covenant of jesus christ, but we're also receiving the abrahamic covenant now It says if you turn to galatians chapter 3 and verse 29 and if you belong to christ Are in him who is abraham's seed then you are abraham's offspring and spiritual heirs According to the promise so we are spiritual heirs Because what we have been bought with a price we have been freed by that blood covenant with jesus christ And we are also abraham's seed in heir To the promise of abraham.
Well, what was the promise to abraham? You can find that In Genesis, Genesis chapter 12. Now again, I'm going to go back to Deuteronomy chapter 8, but I have to go through this quickly. Genesis chapter 12
in verse 2, he says, now I will make you of a great nation. I will bless you with abundant increase of favors. I will make your name famous and distinguished, and you will be a blessing dispensing goods to others. Verse 3. I will bless those who bless you, and confer prosperity or happiness upon you, and curse them who curses you and uses insolent language toward you, and you and all the families and kinners of the earth be blessed.
And by you, they will all will bless themselves. So God's covenant with Abraham was blessed to be a blessing. He was not intended to live under any type of enslavement or any type of poverty or any type of control by the, any, you know, person that was in the kingdom of this world at the time. Where Abraham was living in.
He was not supposed to be suppressed by any ruler. Okay? But I want to go back to Deuteronomy chapter 7. Alright? Deuteronomy chapter 7. Now, I read verse 8, but I'm going to read it again. But because the Lord loves you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Lord has brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you out of the house of the bondage, from the hand of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.
I could go on and on. About the Abrahamic Covenant, but I can't today. I've got to keep going because this is a great revelation for all of us to realize that we are part of this. That we can receive what he did for them in the land of Goshen. We can receive this for us. That's why I can't get into it right now.
I'll have to go into greater teaching about the Abrahamic Covenant on a different day. Now, verse 9, okay, verse 9. Know and recognize and understand that therefore the Lord your God is God, and that He's faithful God, who keeps covenant, steadfast love, and mercy with those who love Him and keep His commandments to a thousand generations.
Now, from Abraham to us has not been thousands of generations. He's saying, and the reason why he said, I asked him, and I had this underlined in my Bible, it said a thousand generations, Lord. I said, why did you say a thousand generations? Why did you put that specifically there? Because he wanted to show us no matter how many thousands of years that it has been.
We are still included. Now it hasn't been a thousand generation, generations yet. But he said, no matter how much time has passed, you are still a seed of Abraham. And I still have that Abrahamic covenant and promise for you as well. And if you see what I did for Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and if you see what I did for the children of Israel in the land of Egypt, if you see these things, That also pertains to you and your generation and the time that you were living in because I am the same God.
And I just started getting really excited because this is something, back several years ago, he was giving me the revelation of a greater Exodus. And he said, what once was will be again to a greater degree. And I really did not understand what he was saying at that particular point. And so I had to ask him, Lord, what does that mean?
What once was, will be again, but to a greater degree. He said, the exodus. And I said, what? He said, a greater exodus. I am not just saving a nation. I'm saving the nations and my children around the world. This is a greater exodus because it is going to affect not just one, but it's going to affect all the nations around the world.
And he said, this is here, right here, where he's saying this, the promise that he said to them and what he did for them also includes you and I, he said to a thousand generations. It hasn't been that many yet. And so even though it's been thousands of years, it hasn't been thousands of generations. So God is saying, no matter what time that we're living in, that includes you and I, and that was a great revelation.
I was so excited. I'm like, Lord, what you promised to them, you're promising to us. And I just got real excited. Then he told me to keep going. Then he says, for the sake of time, I gotta verse down jump down to verse 13. For the sake of time, I gotta jump down to verse 13. This is Deuteronomy 7. And verse 13, then he says, and he will love you and bless you and multiply you.
He will also bless the fruit of your body and the fruit of your land, your grain, your new wine, and your oil, the increase of your cattle and the young of your flock and the land, which he swore to your fathers to give to you. Now, one of these things that he said was now he was promising the land of Canaan to them.
Okay. The land of Canaan was a physical land and it was the promised land. The land of Canaan was the promised land for the Israelites. But he also told me while I was studying this, and I was reading more into this and getting more revelation, he said, not only am I going to deliver the hand, my children out of the hands of the taskmasters and the oppressors, and the pharaohs of today.
He specifically said, the pharaohs of today. He said, I'm bringing them into a type of promised land. And I said, Lord, what does that mean? He said, it's a promised way of life. A promised way of life. And I said, okay, what does that mean? How they were in the land of Canaan, or the promised land, once they got in there.
They had everything they needed. And it was huge. There was abundance. There was increase. There was more than enough. There was a surplus of prosperity in the land, the promised land. But also he showed me when they left Egypt, he wanted me to remind them because this is where people are getting stuck. Of how can we receive and have all this undone this damage that has been done to our bodies How can it be undone?
Well, god did it in the land of goshen. It says Hold your place there in deuteronomy 7
go to
Go to Psalm 105. Go to Psalm 105. Again, this is a great revelation. So I'm trying to go as slow as I can and making this as easy as I can for you to understand. Now Psalm 105, look at what it says in verse five. Now I'm going to go back to Deuteronomy seven in a minute. Cause there's, there's more to that I want to read and there's greater revelation in that chapter.
So I got to go back there, but I have to go to Psalm 105 first. Psalm 105 in verse five. Now he's saying this word again, earnestly. Okay, he said it's more, he said it's a lot. Earnestly remember. Why? Because your adversary is going to try to make it easy for you to forget.
Psalm 105 verse 5, earnestly remember the marvelous deeds that he has done, his miracles and wonders and the judgments and the sentences which he pronounced upon his enemies as in Egypt. So he's saying to earnestly remember and that's not only for them that experience this. He's talking about it to us.
Earnestly, remember what he did for those people in the land of Egypt, because he is the same God. Then he says, six, O you offspring of Abraham, his servants, you children of Jacob, his chosen ones, the offspring of Abraham, and the children of Jacob. Remember, we're the offspring, we're the seed of Abraham.
He's talking to us, and he says, his chosen ones. We are his chosen ones. Then he says verse seven. He is the Lord our God his judgments Are all in the earth now in this prophetic word He talked about great judgments are about to hit many nations around the world And the reason why you can see that there's going to be judgments hitting the nations around the world Because of god's love for his people and what he's seeing the oppression What they're doing to people, how they're enslaving people, the bondage that they're bringing, the damage that they're doing to their body and their minds and their finances.
God's saying enough is enough. And he's bringing judgments into all the earth. Again, this is a greater exodus so you see the judgments or the plagues that happen in the land of Egypt He said this is gonna happen again now I'm gonna go I'm gonna go back over this prophetic word here in a minute verse 8 This is Psalm 105 in verse 8 then he says he is earnestly Mindful of his covenant so he knows his covenant God does not forget his covenant God's people may forget his covenant But he does not forget his covenant and forever is imprinted on his heart So his covenant is imprinted on his heart and the word which he commanded and established to a thousand Generations.
He's talking about the thousand generations again. He's talking about that why he's reminding us it doesn't matter how many thousands of years have been between what happened in the land of Goshen and And what it is now, even though it's been a thousands of years, it hasn't been a thousand generations, and we are a part of this.
God is the same God. Verse 9, The covenant which he made with Abraham, and he swore and he promised to Isaac. Verse 10, Which he confirmed to Jacob as a statute to Israel as an everlasting covenant. An everlasting covenant, that means he will not break that covenant. Verse 11, Saying unto you, I will give you the land of Canaan as your measured portion, possession, and inheritance.
Now jump down to verse 14, Psalm 105 in verse 14. For the sake of time, I can't read all this chapter either. He allowed no man to do them wrong. In fact, he reproved the kings for their sake. He reproved the kings for their sake. I have to look that up. This is just getting me right now. Reproved, what does that mean?
Dispute judge. Chassen argue. Correct or prove. So he says, I am going to, he reproved the kings for their sakes. That means he removed them he judged them, he chasten them. He argued with them or he corrected them. Let's look at the. Reprove definition that was, cause that was a biblical let's see here to scold or correct usually gently or kindly intent.
So scold, that means he's correcting them. All right. Now, then he says in verse 15 saying, touch not my anointed. And do my prophets no harm. Then jump down to verse 24. There the Lord greatly increased his people and made them stronger than their oppressors. God made his people stronger than their oppressors.
Jump down to verse 37. I'm getting to that by the whole being destroying what they have done to our bodies. He said in verse 37, He also brought them out with silver and gold and he mentioned silver and gold in this prophetic word and so when he was bringing me to these chapters and I was like There's something more about the silver and gold then he goes on to say and there was no feeble among them.
So when they were leaving Egypt There was no feeble among them. So what does feeble mean? So when he brought them out when he brought them out in Psalm 30 or Psalm 105 in verse 37, he brought them forth also with silver and gold and there was no feeble among them. Let's look up the definition of feeble.
Feeble means lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness. Again, feeble. He said there was no feeble. That means they were not lacking physical strength, a result of age or illness. So whatever damage that the Egyptians did to God's people, it was reversed. God destroyed the damage that was done to his people.
Now it also says another word is lacking in physical or mental or mental strength. They were frail, weak, inadequate, or unconceiving. So again, It was the deal with their mind because they had a slave mentality. He had to free him from that. He had to free him from their physical Part which is their bodies with all the damage that was done to their bodies because of it then he freed him Financially and then he freed him completely from slavery.
He completely freed his people. There was no feeble They were not lacking in physical or mental strength. They were not frail. They were not weak They were not inadequate and they were not unconceiving They were strong, they were healed, and they were made whole. Now, go back to Deuteronomy, chapter 7. Now look what he says here, in verse 15.
Deuteronomy 7, in verse 15. This is what God is saying to us. This was not just a revelation for them. Remember, this is to a thousand generations. That means we are a part of this. Verse 15. And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, And none of the diseases of Egypt, which you knew will be put on you, but we'll lay them upon all who hate you.
So God is saying all the diseases, all the things that were being done to them in the land of Egypt, He took away from them. Well, God took that away from them back in the land of Goshen. Why would God not do that for us? Now remember it says in Galatians 3 13 that Christ purchased our freedom He already purchased us and it says in Galatians 4 that he ransomed us.
He paid that ransom for us He purchased our freedom. It says that and again in Galatians 5 In verse 1, Christ purchased our freedom. And so no matter what they've done to cause so much lack and so much things against us, God is saying, I will take away from you these things. Again, because the blood of Jesus, because that blood covenant we have, remember, this is part of the Abrahamic covenant.
He took away all the sicknesses and all the damage that was done to his people in the land of Egypt. He took those away under the Abrahamic covenant because he loved them and he was honoring Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. But, we have a better covenant. We have the blood covenant of Jesus Christ. We have a better blood covenant with them than they did So why would god not do that now?
He's getting our attention and he's shaking these shackles off of us of what we think And deem as normal what we receive as normal We receive all these things and god is saying don't accept and receive the lies of the enemy Or damage done by the enemy anymore because god is here to set you free God has sent his son Jesus christ to redeem us to pay that ransom for us so we are no longer enslaved By our enemy in our minds in our physical bodies financially or in any way shape or form And that's why great judgments are coming Now again when people think of great judgments and they freak out Because they think of all the horrible things that are going to happen and god is saying it is not for you Just like he said in the land of goshen and I had so many other scriptures that I had ready for you I don't think i'm gonna get to but i'm gonna try to Cause I got to get back over this prophetic word again, but he was saying, look, I greatly am distinguishing you from the Egyptians.
God is greatly distinguishing us from the world. Egypt was in representation of the world now because Egypt was the strongest nation in the world at the time, which we talked about before. God is saying the globalists have been in control of the world and that's reset. They represent the Pharaohs of old.
They are the pharaohs of today. It's the same demonic thing behind them as it was the pharaoh of this time. And God is saying I'm going to do for you what I did for my people in the land of Goshen. So again, he says in a take away, this is Deuteronomy 7 verse 15, and the Lord will take away from you all sickness and none of the diseases.
Now that means for you and I now, because doesn't it say in God's Word that by Jesus stripes we are healed? You are healed. We are, but our enemy keeps trying to put sickness and disease on us to make us weak and to make us feeble So we don't fight back and that's why it's so important for us to no longer Accept and receive the damage that has been done and believe you me I'm a person that had struggled with a chronic illness for like 27 years And I still have to say to my body every single day that I am free from that in Jesus name.
Because whom the Son sets free, it's free indeed. Jesus paid for that ransom by His stripes that I have been set free, and I am healed. And I have to keep speaking to my body on a daily basis. No, you come in line with the word of God. No, I'm redeemed from that. I'm redeemed from this. I will not put up with this because too many times, especially when people have been going through for a long time, they accept and receive that they just have a broken body and there's nothing that can be done.
No, you speak life into your body because God said right here and you believe you receive the great I am Who took the sickness and diseases away from God's people in the land of Goshen is going to do the same thing again But to a greater degree because that's God He said that we're in the land member and he said we were in the year of 2024 is the year We've been waiting for that was yesterday's now in verse 16 It says and you shall consume all the people whom the Lord your God will give over to you You Your eyes shall not pity them, neither shall you serve their gods.
For that what has been snared to you, verse 17. If you say in your minds and your hearts, these nations are greater than we are. A lot of people think that. These nations and these world elites are greater than we are. He says, how can we dispose of them? Now look at what he says in verse 18. You shall not be afraid of them.
But remember earnestly what the Lord your God did to Pharaoh and to all of Egypt. Verse 19. The great trials which your eyes saw. The signs, the wonders, the mighty hand and the outstretched arm by which the Lord, your God brought you out, shall, so shall the Lord, your God due to all the people whom you are afraid.
God said, don't be afraid of them. Don't be afraid of what's going on. And then verse 22 says in the Lord, your God will clear out those nations before you little by little. You may not can sue them quickly, less a beast of the field and increase among you. Verse 23 for the Lord your God will give them over to you will consume them with a mighty panic until they are Destroyed verse 24 and he will give their kings into your hand and you shall make their name perish from under the heavens They shall no man be able to stand before you until You have destroyed them.
God is doing something so much bigger than what he did in the land of Goshen and what he did in the land of Egypt. And the reason why he's saying that is because that covenant that he had, he loved them. He did that for them because he was proving them the Abrahamic covenant. He's saying to us to a thousand generations.
He said it in de Deuteronomy seven. He said it also in Psalm 1 0 5. And then if you look to Psalm 1 26, people say, this is too good to be true. Look at what they said in Psalm 1 26. I'm gonna go over this prophetic word here, I promise you. Psalm 1 26 in verse one. And it said, when the Lord brought the captives who returned to Zion?
We were like, those who dreamed. It seemed so unreal what God did for them was like a dream and it seemed so unreal because what was impossible was possible for God. All the miracles, all the signs, all the wonders, all the things he did with his mighty hand and God is still that God today and God wins and the enemy loses.
Every time and that's what we can be excited about now I'm going to go back over this prophetic word now when you see this again He showed me he I heard this prophetic word and then he directed me to the scriptures. This is what god does He's giving us not only these prophetic words, which he's giving us things that's going to happen in the future But he's also telling you hey I'm giving you the revelation of who I am and he's giving us the scriptures to back all these things up That is god and that is how good god is Now again, I tell you this all the time write these scriptures down read these scriptures get these revelations Don't take my word for it If it doesn't line up with the word of god throw things out because it all should go back to the word of almighty God, okay Now again, this prophetic word is called great and judgments are about to hit many nations Around the world.
This is the first paragraph for I the lord this day. I'm telling my children something significant is about to take place, something that will not only shake the United States, but it will shake all nations. It will get the world's attention. Something extraordinary out of ordinary is about to take place.
Something extraordinary. Out of the ordinary. So again, people are looking to what things have been done. What's normal. And God is saying, stop looking at the normal. Stop looking at things and stop looking at men to save you. God is saying, He is the one who saves us. He is the one who is delivering us out by a mighty hand.
And we see what He did with Pharaoh of old. And that's why He said, the Pharaohs of today. These people have the same type of ending. They're going to be removed from their places of power. They're going to be stripped of all the wealth and anything about any possessions that they have because what does God say in Haggai chapter 2 and it starts with verse 6 He says he's going to shake the nations and the desires of nations shall come in and then he talks about the gold and silver Again, there are a specific thing.
The reason why God mentions gold and silver he put them On this earth for us, but man and these elites have suppressed it. They have taken a lot of it and they have taken them down from the gold standards and what he said in this prophetic word, and he has made it unlimited spending for them. And they just print money with nothing to back it up.
It's for more money, more control, and more power. I'm going to go back to the second paragraph. Then he says, A normal will be forgotten because it was not normal, normal at all. Stop right there. In this sentence, what he was showing me is that everybody wants to go back before 2020. I want to go back to normal.
I want to go back to the days where it wasn't crazy town. I want to go back to those days where the world wasn't upside down and everything was, you know, felt nice and normal and everything that wasn't normal. That was a normal that the enemy wanted you to believe was normal. But that was not God's normal.
Remember, and God's people, after they got out of Egypt, and they were in the Red Sea, and also when they were in the wilderness, they kept wanting to go back to Egypt, go back to Egypt. They kept wanting to go back to their normal. They wanted to go back what was comforting to them. It was what they were used to.
They wanted to go back. They didn't want to move forward with a better normal and a better life, the way of life that God always intended them to live. And the ones who murmured and groaned and complained in the wilderness did not see the promised land. The ones who wanted to keep going back and keep going back and keep going back.
They didn't get to go forward. They didn't get to see the promised land because they kept living in God. No matter what he did for them, it wasn't enough. So God's saying right here, a normal will be forgotten because it was not normal at all. I will show you, my children, what my normal for you really is.
Now again, he did that with the promised land, with the children of Israel. He says, I will show you a true freedom, a true justice system, a true economic system. So he's mentioning all these different systems. And he's saying, Hey. None of these things were normal. They were not what I intended for it to be for you.
Man had manipulated it, got in there and controlled it, and enslaved and brought a great bondage that you accepted to be normal. And God's saying, I'm destroying all that. And one thing that struck me when he said this too was, He said a true freedom, a true justice system, and a true economic system. True.
God. God is truth. God what? That truth sets you free. So it's God's freedom. It's God's economic system. It's God's justice system. Then he said a true economic system. One meant to bless and meant to prosper. This economy will not be manipulated by man. So, he's been talking about this economy, which is the Babylonian system, this world economy, that was, is, is, now, manipulated by man.
They can shift the ups and downs anytime they want. They can do whatever they want to cause a depression, and whatever they want to cause a recession. They can do that in a split second. They do that to cause more damage against you, and they become richer. And he said, this economy that's coming in, no man's gonna manipulate it.
He said, gold will be the standard, and silver will be given even greater than that priceless, some would say. So silver's gonna be worth more than gold, is what the Lord's saying. He says, and I will show you how gold and silver were suppressed and how it was manipulated by the world's economy and by the ruling elites.
For infinite spending sprees and any way to enslave the citizens of other nations, I am breaking you free from that type of tyranny. So God is telling you exactly what they've been doing. And again, how a normal was not normal at all. So don't keep wanting to go back before 2020. That was not a normal that God wanted for you.
Then he says, my children get ready for restoration of everything. Not just your president or freedoms financially. But if freedom in your mind, remember we talked about no feeble even meant a weak mind or feeble in your body, which was sickness and disease, pain and affliction. He said, but a freedom in your mind that you have never known a freedom in your body that you have never known.
I will say this again. All damage that has been done to your bodies will be undone. It will be annihilated like it was never there. That's what happened in the land of Goshen before they were set free completely, which is out of the land of Egypt. He set them free in their spirit, their soul, and their body, and then financially, and then he freed them completely, which he sent them on their way and got them out of Egypt.
You will say impossible. Well, it's not for me. Look at my people in Goshen. I did that for them. Then he's asking this question. So why would I not do it for you? I'm the same God. Get ready. Accept freedom in every area of your life, saith the Lord. Again, he's asking this question. If I did it for them, and I'm the same God, and I said all these promises were to a thousand generations, then he also said that he's the same yesterday, today, and forever, then why would we not expect him to free us from all the damage that has been caused by our enemies?
Pharaoh caused all of his people damage in their bodies and their minds, but and it got freedom from that Why would he not do it now? He will but he wants you to get that revelation of that's who he is Remember and he's al shaddai then he says watch iran biblical plague biblical type plagues Will occur in that land anyone against my nation of israel or my united states will know That I am against them and I am greater than any power that they think they have now there was one Ruler and I don't know where he was if he was from iran or iraq or whoever he was from I remember somebody showed me this because this was a prophecy being fulfilled.
This man was cursing israel This happened like a month or so ago. He was cursing Israel. Within minutes, he dropped dead. You're gonna start seeing those type of things more and more because anybody who's cursing God, anybody who's cursing God's nations, are not going to get away with it. And I know there's a lot of, you know, countries right now they're trying to wipe off Israel from the face of the map.
That's never gonna happen because the one who protects them never sleeps nor slumbers. So again, Iran, watch the land of Iran, watch that nation, because biblical type plagues will occur there. So then he says, great judges will hit many nations around the world. My children, do not fear this. This is not for you.
But for the ones who rule over you, so he's talking about great judgment. So if you know you're a person that lives and he's talking about China, he's talking about Iran, he's talking about things are happening in Canada, he's talking about things are happening in France, talking about crazy things are going to happen in the United States and he's saying to us, it's not for you, it's not for us.
It's for the ones who rule over you. Then he says, China will get struck again and again with unusual things, earthquakes, weather, and watch what is about to happen to their economy. China, you are being judged. Do not touch my United States. Do not touch my Israel. Everything you have tried to do will be done back onto you.
China your time is coming for your great fall now He's mentioned the fall of China for a long time again. If you are from China, I know people watch from China This is not for you. This is for the government that has been controlling you now Then he says a great shaking is coming to the nation of Canada now I know many brothers and sisters in Christ that, watch, you are from Canada, and God is saying there's going to be a shaking in your nation as well.
He's talked about Canada quite frequently, actually. So, if you are from Canada, and you want to know all the things that the Lord has spoken, and the prophecies about Canada, you can go to our website at jgminternational. org, under the prophecies. And then under the search bar, click in Canada. And you will see all the prophecies that God has spoken about Canada.
There's been quite a few. He says, I told you my children great secrets, great exposures regarding Trudeau and all who are with him and all who they are connected to. They'll all be brought down. He talked about the fall of Trudeau for quite some time. Then he says, there is hope for you, Canada. I will bring you great leaders, ones that are on my side and ones that will stand for freedom and truth.
Unusual things will take place in your land that will show you this is true. Now, so he says unusual things are going to happen in your land. Then he says, Whistleblowers are coming to show the truth that freedom is coming in Canada. Do not give up now. Your nation is about to change big time. So again, Canada, there is hope for you.
So start proclaiming and decreeing your freedoms as well. God has not forsaken your nation, and he's not going to leave you with that corrupt government. God sees through true Joe and God is going to judge him. That's it. He's talked about it before over and over and over again. God is doing something in your nation.
Now he's talking about France and again, he's talking about France a lot, too. He says France is about to be in the news more and more. They can't suppress this anymore. Now they've been suppressing things that have been going on in France. The news has. He says an uprising is taking place, an overthrow of that government is about to be seen.
Freedom is a coming to many nations around the world. So, Macron, who's the president of that nation, of France, God has talked about his fall and his judgment for quite some time. So, Macron and many others in that government are going to be overthrown. How? God does not say, but they're going to be overthrown.
Alright, now, then it says Africa. Africa, revival is breaking out in your land, and this time like no other time. And what has been suppressing you will no longer be able to keep you from a freedom that I have for you. So, if you live in Africa, I know as many people who watch from South Africa, and God is saying revival is going to break out all over your continent.
And so, do Do not think that God has forsaken you. No matter who has been in control over you, no matter who has been trying to suppress you. It's not going to stop God. It's not going to stop God and his grace and his glory and what he's about to do in your nations. Okay. All over the continent of Africa.
Now, then he says, Oh, United States. Now he starts talking about this country and, and saying what's going to happen here. He says, brace for what is coming. Then he says, brace for hardships. Now that's something that no one wants to ever hear. They don't want to hear the bad things. But God said things are going to get worse before they get better.
He's talking about these, warned us about these things. Why? So when these things come, we said, I'm not a part of that. I don't have to accept that. That's not for me. I'm like in the land of Goshen. God's protecting me. I'm in this world, but I'm not of it. John 17. So again, there's things that God is telling you to do because he says, okay, brace for the hardships that they will say.
He doesn't say they're going to accomplish those hardships. He says, hardships they will say. So what are they going to do? They're going to spread it all over the news media. The news media guys are going to start, you know, Spreading all this wonderful news about all these hardships and he says, and they will try to do it to you.
So they will say hardships and then they will try to do it. Remember, fear drives the masses. So if they can get people in fear through their news media to believe their lie, then you'll easily give in to it. That's why God's saying don't believe their lie, because it's not gonna happen. He says, and my nation, now he says, but it will not work as my nation is alive.
Now I thought that was interesting how he said that my nation is alive, because they've been trying to kill. The soul of this nation. And God said, no, this nation is alive. Then he says, and my nation is growing stronger by the day. Now, it looks like we're growing weaker by the day because of this illegitimate person that says that he's president, who he's not, but he's acting like one, and he's doing all these things to make this country weaker.
And why can I say he's illegitimate? Because we know he didn't win. If you don't win an election, you're not legitimate. So everything you do is illegitimate and everything you do can be thrown out. That's another story. But anyway, so God is saying my nation is growing stronger by the day. We as a nation, the United States, is growing stronger by the day, even though they're trying to weaken us by the day, we are growing stronger by the day.
Why? We are growing stronger spiritually by the day. This is a spiritual battle. Remember, we are growing stronger spiritually, and that's how we win. Then he says a great awakening has occurred. Now, in 2024, more will awaken from the sleep of deceit. So there's been a sleep of deception. And God is saying people are going to wake from that sleep of deception and they too will fight back and stand up against this evil regime.
So it doesn't matter what it looks like. God says more people. So if you have family members that are still asleep. With it in the sleep of deception, and they're just believing all these lies. God's saying, uh uh, 2024, there's going to be more people that are going to wake out of the sleep of deception.
And they too will fight back and stand up against this evil regime. Then he says, a uniting has begun that man can't stop. A uniting has begun that a man can't stop. Now again, they've been trying to destroy this country from within. They've been trying to destroy this country from within. They've been trying to do this for quite some time, actually.
Because a house divided against itself cannot stand. Well, if you're causing great division in every area, then you're not united. Then you're not strong. You're not a strong front. So again, God is saying a uniting has begun, that man can't stop. We are called the United States for a reason. That is prophetic.
He is uniting the states, all the 50 states in this country. The enemies tried to divide them and God is uniting them and the people. Then he says, now he's talking, still talking about the United States here. Then he says, watch your monuments in your nation. Some will fall. Okay, hold on. Watch monuments in your nation will fall.
Monuments you thought that stood for freedom, when they stood for slavery and deceit. A symbolism of evil you did not see. So there's monuments in this nation. I can mention several right now. That would probably get people upset that I'm mentioning it. But there are things like the Washington Monument.
That's an evil symbol, and that broke my heart when I found that out. Our Statue of Liberty is not a statue of freedom, which we all grew up with, thinking. Which also broke my heart when I found that out. Things that were symbolisms to us,
Of our great nation. We're not symbolisms of god at all. They're anti god And anti freedom. There's so many things like again, I can't get into all of it But god's going to show us all and it will break a lot of people's heart It will shock people all the things that we thought were true We're actually not he says watch the monuments and your nation will fall monuments You thought they stood for freedom when they stood for slavery and deceit a symbolism of evil You didn't see a lot of us didn't see it.
I was one of them He says then, he's mentioning the East Coast again. Watch the East Coast, the weather that will take place. So it's going to be weather events that are going to take place on the East Coast. He said, watch and listen for what they say is biblical, because I am showing you my children once again, I'm giving you the news before the news, and I'm also showing you I'm in control, not the ones who are against you.
So God is in control, and God is showing that. Again, God is saying to us, No matter if you live in the East Coast, do not be afraid of anything. Think of Goshen. God's protecting you. You are protected. Don't sit there and get in a fear about, Oh my gosh, what's gonna happen? Think of Goshen and what God did to save his people.
Then he says, Now he's calling these people out. He's mentioned them before. NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, MSNBC. I, I see all of you. I hear all of you and what you've been telling my nation and the lies you've spread and the truth you have suppressed. Judgment is coming to all of you who refuse to tell the truth. You thought by hiding the truth, it would save your job and profit you even more than you ever thought.
Well, the time has come for your removals and truth be told, and your jobs, you gave your soul. To keep, you will be removed from. So he's talking about all these journalists. He's talking about all these people who know the truth. And refuse to tell the truth for money, and more power, and for more job security, and whatever.
Some people might be threatened by it. That they have to tell these lies. But God is saying, they're all going to be removed. There's all, there's been people already that have been removed from places of These positions, there's been a shaking guy talking about CNN a long time ago, like in 2021 or beginning of 2022 before the fall of CNN, CNN is falling.
They've already closed their doors of their biggest worldwide. I think it was in Atlanta somewhere. They closed the doors to one of their buildings that they're not going to ever open again. God prophesied that. More damage is going to be done to the fake lamestream media. So then he says A great shaking is coming to the news media in the United States and you will no longer control the narrative of my nation, says the Lord.
So again, God is saying that they're not going to control us anymore by their lies. Then this word I saw, thought was very interesting, psyops. This word will this word will be in your news for a significant reason. So the word psyops not for sure what he means by that, but when he said things like that, it's for a reason.
So keep looking for that word, psyops. All right. Then he says, my children, change is coming. Don't change like this. You have never known before. So hold on. Many changes are coming to bring you a restoration that I have always intended for you to have. A joy is coming, a freedom is coming, justice is coming because I am coming to deliver you out of it all.
Say it to the Lord, your Redeemer. So again, that is what God is intending for all of us right now. A lot of changes coming, a lot of things are going to happen in the weather, a lot of things are going to happen to shake people awake. Think about how bad, you know, COVID was back in 2020 and that still didn't wake everybody up.
So it's not meant to bring fear. It's a meant to bring awakening. It's a meant to wake people up from a sleep of deception because too many people have been living this life of normalcy and God's saying it's not normal. I'm shaking the nations around the world to shake up people, to shake those shackles off, and to free people from the chains that have been holding them down.
So I want to pray over each and every one of you right now. But not only that you are completely set free from everything that's been controlling you, including what's been in your body and in your mind, but also what has been trying to control your family. The sleep of deception. So we're going to pray for your family members.
We're going to pray that they are completely set free. Remember God said in 2024 is a year you've been waiting for. So whatever you've been waiting for, you accept and receive it for the year 2024 and don't be moved by how bad things look. Because things will look bad for a short time. So Heavenly Father, right now, in the name of Jesus, I lift up every person at the sound of my voice.
And right now, I thank you, Father God, that people are waking up by the sleep of deception. I thank you right now, Father God, that you are shaking the shackles off of people in the name of Jesus. What has held them back and kept them down. We thank you for all the damage that has been done by our enemies.
No matter if it's been food, by water, by the air. No matter what has been done, Father God, by medicines causing more damage. We thank you, Father God, just like you did in the land of Egypt. You are doing the same thing again. You are taking the sickness away from the people in the name of Jesus. And we're declaring a freedom in our minds.
Right now from any depression from anything that is trying to keep people in fear and worry and doubt and anxiety Trying to keep them father god. They're trying to keep them down and such a sadness and an oppression And a hopelessness and despair we break those chains off of you right now by the blood of jesus christ I'm declaring your freedom in your spirit in your soul and in your body in your mind Financially right now in jesus name and I thank you father god That no matter what happens around the world, you protected your people in the land of Goshen, and you are protecting your children now because you are the same God yesterday, today, and forever.
And so we thank you, Father God, that our families are coming home. We thank you, Father God, that people are awakened right now. We call an awakening in the body of Christ. We call awakening on our nations. We call the United States of America right now, we call it united in the name of Jesus, that we are one nation under God, that nothing that's evil regime could ever do to stop the power of God from moving across this land, from bringing the freedom and the justice, Father God, that you have always promised us to have.
This nation was given to you, Father God, and we thank and praise you that you have not forgotten your covenant. And I thank you, Father God, that our, our president, George Washington, when he first prayed and gave and dedicated this nation to you, I thank you that prayer, that dedication is still going forth today.
And I thank you, Father God, that you answer, are answering those prayers. I thank you, Father God, no matter if it's Canada, no matter who they are, or all around the nations around the world, I thank you that you are freeing their nations, Father God. You are bringing revival and great glory and revival fire in the name of Jesus, even greater than the Jesus Revolution back in the 1970s.
It is a radical Jesus Revolution now, because more miracle signs and wonders are about to take place. And I thank you, Father God, for this great separation, that you are greatly distinguishing us. From the world and we thank you father god for your protection. We thank you father god for our deliverance We thank you father god for miracle signs and wonders t
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