A Hard Look at Annulment Data Raises Questions About the Process

1 year ago

In the past 60 years, annulment rates have skyrocketed in the U.S. Meanwhile, marriage rates are down. What’s up with that? Is the marriage annulment process breaking down our understanding of the sanctity of marriage?

In today’s episode, John Clark discusses his new book “Betrayed Without a Kiss: Defending Marriage After Years of Failed Leadership in the Church.” He discusses the current crisis in America, specifically regarding the Catholic annulment process.

Listen now, as we dive into questions including: what is annulment vs. divorce? How should the Church defend the sanctity of marriage? Is the marriage annulment process the problem? Or do we need better Catholic marriage preparation?

John Clark's book: https://tanbooks.com/products/betrayed-without-a-kiss-defending-marriage-after-years-of-failed-leadership-in-the-church/?cjevent=f5131070686d11ee83b2000a0a82b839

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