About the "A Long Time Ago Collectibles" Channel

1 year ago

Welcome to my YouTube channel! I'm excited to unveil my cherished vintage Star Wars collection from the 1970s and 1980s. Much of it has remained sealed since 1983 when I first packed it away.

Over the years, I've made sporadic attempts to revisit this collection, with my last review in 1999. Some items have been resealed, but not all. Additionally, I'll showcase my Power of the Force II figures and toys from the 1990s in a separate video.

The heart of this channel will focus on unveiling my original vintage Star Wars figures, playsets, and memorabilia. For items that have endured, I'll carefully clean, assess, grade (where needed), frame, and safely store them.

Funding this endeavor will be a significant undertaking, so I plan to proceed incrementally, ensuring each item is unboxed and handled properly before moving on.

I invite you to join me on this exciting journey of discovery. From unboxing and identification to restoration, categorization, framing, and storage, together, we'll explore the galaxy of Star Wars collectibles. May the Force be with us!

Starting in January 2024, I'll begin recording and unboxing my vintage Star Wars collection. I made this commitment to my wife because it's a big project that needs space, and it's best to start after the holidays.

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