The First & Second Resurrection-NOW THE END BEGINS-JAN 17 2024

1 year ago

Your King James Bible talks about something called the first resurrection, and something called the second death. They are polar opposites. One you very much want, and the other you need to avoid at all costs. Following Paul's admonition to 'rightly divide' the scriptures, and understanding that things that are different are not the same, we take a close-up and personal look at these two resurrections, to see what the Bible says about them. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we see some signs along the roadside as we journey, and they are leading in different directions. One leads to the savour of life unto life, and the other death unto death, to quote Paul from 2 Corinthians 2:16. As we begin to mine in this field of Bible truth, we see that no one dies, everyone lives forever. The only question being where you will do the living, or dying, when this life is over. We will endeavor to cover about 2,000 years of Bible in about 90 minutes, so pour the coffee, get a comfy chair, and join us as we open up our trusty '357' 1611 to learn a little bit about the first and second resurrection! I can promise you it will blow your mind.

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