New Gene Ho- 1/18/24

8 months ago

The Espionage Act of 1917… 🚨
Espionage Act limited dissent to the war
The Espionage Act of 1917 prohibited obtaining information, recording pictures, or copying descriptions of any information relating to the national defense with intent or reason to believe that the information may be used for the injury of the United States or to the advantage of any foreign nation.
The act also created criminal penalties for anyone obstructing enlistment in the armed forces or causing insubordination or disloyalty in military or naval forces.
Further, the Wilson administration determined that any written materials violating the act or otherwise “urging treason” were “nonmailable matter,” ( and Postmaster General Albert S. Burleson ordered local postmasters to report any suspicious materials. Along with Attorney General Thomas Watt Gregory, Burleson led the way in aggressively enforcing the Espionage Act of 1917 to limit dissent.

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ThankQ, AlgorythemQ
PS I haven't monetized my channel yet but when I get to 500 followers I might...
Just to get away from reality. Fantastic link.
When you just need a good old scare and a laugh...
One of the best bushman prankers ever...
The guy's channel that did the funny WEF video...

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