18 Jan 24, The Terry & Jesse Show: Let's Call Out These Dirty Old Men

1 year ago

Today's Topics:

1) Gospel - Mk 3:7-12 - Jesus withdrew toward the sea with His disciples. A large number of people followed from Galilee and from Judea. Hearing what He was doing, a large number of people came to Him also from Jerusalem, from Idumea, from beyond the Jordan, and from the neighborhood of Tyre and Sidon. He told His disciples to have a boat ready for Him because of the crowd, so that they would not crush Him. He had cured many and, as a result, those who had diseases were pressing upon Him to touch him. And whenever unclean spirits saw Him they would fall down before Him and shout, “You are the Son of God.” He warned them sternly not to make Him known.

Bishop Sheen quote of the day

2, 3) Let's call out these dirty old men

4) DDF Archbishop makes the case for married priests

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