Simple Demonstration By VA Republican Nick Freitas Hilariously Owns Feds And Climate Change Loons

1 year ago

It's stuff like this that tells us the federal government has too much free time on its hands. When they see fit to involve themselves at this level, it's time to examine what it is we expect from our government and what involvement we're willing to put up with from them in our day-to-day lives. Did this need to be 'fixed' by the feds? No. Did they try and fix it? Yes. Did they fail? Big time. Virginia Republican, Nick Frietas, did a fairly spectacular job here making fun of the government, the green movement, and the Left's fixation on all things climate. -- Nick Freitas @NickJFreitas: “Gas can life hack is back #throwback #thattimeofyear #lifehacks”

Would you look at that? Why recreate the wheel? How much do you think they spent on studies trying to figure out ways to recreate this wheel and totally jack it up? Not to mention how crappy the actual components are and how much more difficult they made something that was originally very simple. Nothing says you're trying to protect the masses like making their lives harder. Yay government. As I watched this, confused, it occurred to me that the federal government has way too much time on its hands. I hate those damned things. I feel like I hear this a lot when people talk about anything provided by the federal government. Have we as a species lost the ability to create such wonders? -- Tsk tsk.

First of all, there is literally no green on any of those pieces and clearly, the only way we know it's safe for us and the environment is if there is at least one green part. My family has probably 10 of the legacy cans and maybe 1 with the new spout. Care to guess which one always gets used last? Yep, the government-is-here-to-help can. The irony in spilling more gas than ever with the regulated spouts. 😒🙄🤡 Because they are much harder to use. Yay government … again. -- He transgendered the gas can and I love it! NOW he's gone and done it! otally love it Nick! The geniuses at EPA are useless as always. There's a reason Reagan is known for famously saying, 'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'

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