The destruction of America has been foretold by the Book of Revelations

9 months ago

The Satanist Kiev junta regime is but a mere reflection of its American puppet masters. The Bible verse makes clear that America is the Whore of Babylon. With total control over the global economy, politics and military, it is the only country that could fulfill the prophecy. The text of Revelation indicates that it is a unique entity in the world, ἡ πόλις ἡ μεγάλη the great polis. It uniquely makes all the nations of the world wealthy, reigns over the nations of the world, imposes its culture on all the nations and leads them in a massive downward spiral of materialistic depravity that culminates in worldwide worship of Satan and the antichrist during the second half of the tribulation period.

Holy Russia is destined to play the role of the judgment hand of God in the upcoming destruction of America. It is preordained that when America uses weapons of mass destruction, such as through the release of an engineered bioweapon, Holy Russia will be forced to use its nuclear use doctrine in response and thus trigger the destruction of America. Holy Russia will fulfill its role as the appointed judgment hand of God in bringing the United States to its knees.

This will be the end of Babylon the Great as it is known today. The destruction of the great superpower will be a wake-up call for many. It will reveal the vanity of all earthly powers and bring an end to the reign of America’s antichristian culture. The end of Babylon the Great will usher in a new era of peace and righteousness. The end of this great power will be the beginning of a new age, where God is worshipped and obeyed and His will is done on earth as it is in Heaven.

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