Wonder How Much Money Was Paid For The “Georgia Way” Slogan

1 year ago

The theme in Davos is to rebuild trust.
Wonder how much money was paid for the Georgia Way slogan.
Kemp, are you waiting for the Deep State narrative to continue to move forward? All hands are on deck for the Nikki campaign. If Nikki gets blown out of the water in NH. Their narrative is that the vote is close enough that people want a choice.
It is time for the rule book to be thrown out. ALL republicans need to get behind Donald Trump and start the fundraising efforts to up against the evil Democrats.
Friday is when the government shutdown is triggered.
We have a world war starting. What lit the fuse? Was it all in place? The whole attack on Israel could have been a setup.
It all comes together at a time that Davos is happening, at a time that the border is left open, as the government is shutting down, it is all a setup.
Republicans in the senate are telling republicans in the house to get on board. You won’t get a better deal because dems won’t allow it. Why do we always let the Dems run things?
Anyone that has gotten a work permit, they are not sending back. Then you will have a chain migration.

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