Military Accountability Remains Low, Almost Nonexistent | The Rob Maness Show EP 289

1 year ago

Since January First of 2024 when we saw a new generation of Americans decide to take a stand and live up to the values and actions of our founding fathers when the American people were sent an open letter with the Declaration of Military Accountability more reasons why we need military accountability revealed themselves. The Secretary of Defense broke policy and the law by not advising the President he was in the hospital, military leadership is going after whistleblowers on the vaccine injury data again, and news articles openly advocating the military disobey lawful orders if Donald Trump is re-elected President are just a few examples. We must all be passionate about the DMA effort because this single institution, the US military, is the core of everything that is a free America. If it remains blindly following partisan political ideologies instead of serving and defending our constitution, the country is lost. Today my guest is a signer and co-author of the declaration too. Former US Army LTCOL and battalion commander Brad Miller who resigned from the service within months of reaching retirement eligibility.

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