The red light bandit

1 year ago

João Acácio Pereira da Costa, also known as the "Red Light Bandit," was having a snack in a bakery in Curitiba on the morning of August 7, 1967, when he noticed the presence of police. Without drawing attention, he retreated to the nearby house where he was staying. At the age of 25, he was one of the most wanted criminals in Brazil at the time and preferred to die in a shootout with the agents rather than be captured. Upon entering the property, however, he was surprised by a police officer who emerged from behind the door and applied a judo move, immobilizing him.

Thus ended the terror career of a man who had robbed dozens of properties belonging to wealthy families in São Paulo, killing anyone who crossed his path. The famous nickname originated because he would invade houses in the early hours of the morning and, to see in the dark with the lights off, he used a red-rimmed flashlight.

He was sentenced to 351 years in prison and would spend 30 years behind bars until August 16, 1997. However, he did not enjoy much time in freedom. On January 5, 1998, the legendary bandit was assassinated with a gunshot to the head in a bar in Santa Catarina.

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