WEF Insider Admits 'Disease X' Will Be Final Solution To Depopulate 6 Billion Souls

1 year ago

The PRIVATE World Economic Forum CORPORATION starts this week in Davos where Klaus Schwab and his unelected CORPORATE LACKEYS "bureaucrats" will give center stage to ANOTHER NON-EXISTENT, BUT MAN MADE "virus" that the SCUMBAG "elite", READ GLOBALIST CRIME SYNDICATE are "warning", READ THREATENING, will kill twenty times more people than THAT OTHER MAN MADE SCAMDEMIC, CALLED Cov-ID.

The WEF CORPORATION and the CORPORATE Bill Gates funded World HARM Organization are joining forces to prime “Disease X” in their final push for the CORPORATE PLandemic Treaty which will strip the CORPORATE "nations" of the world of their CORPORATE "sovereignty" and officially sign them up to the New World Order’s global government, WHICH IS ALSO ANOTHER GLOBALIST CORPORATION, THAT NO ONE OF US EVEN HAVE TO CARE ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT, FOR THEY REPRESENT NO ONE OF US, AND ONLY SEEK TO CONTROL US, WITHOUT THE NECESSARY CONTRACT, WHICH IS REQUIRED UNDER THEIR COMMERCIAL UCC LAWS.


For those who have been paying attention, the emergence of Disease X PLANDEMIC closely mirrors the shadowy origins of the Covid plandemic, with CORPORATE LACKEY Bill Gates and the WHO CORPORATION holding tabletop exercises, the mainstream media PROPAGANDA CHANNELS disseminating fake news, and CORPORATE LACKEY Klaus Schwab pontificating about casualties.

The similarities are so uncanny that we have to stop and ask, is Disease X the “pandemic that will get everyone’s attention” that Bill Gates and his ex-wife gleefully warned us about?

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